Weekly Happenings: Not too much has happened between my last blog post which was mid week and today. After we got home from Houston, we relaxed for a bit and then headed out to eat (there are several places that give free meals to veterans on Veterans’ Day). We went out to Olive Garden since we also had a gift certificate that Jason had given us for our birthdays (thanks again, Jason) that we could use to pay for me and Joseph. After we were done eating, we headed out to Cavender’s Boot City. I was planning on just browsing, since I wanted to get a new pair of boots for Christmas (I’ve been saving my piano money), but ended up finding a really good deal on a pair right then. I love them! So I got my Christmas present a bit early, but that’s okay. 🙂 The rest of the week we pretty much stayed inside due to the weather.
The Weekly Weather: A cold front moved in Tuesday and has pretty much stayed. We have had a couple nights of below-freezing temperatures that required us to cover the tomatoes with bed sheets to protect them from potential frost. Cold temperatures during the day (with highs around the mid 40s to mid 50s) meant we needed to bundle up before going anywhere…hence why we stayed home as much as possible. 🙂
What Paul’s Been Up To: He’s been keeping busy with work and school as usual. He’s also keeping busy with his calling (counselor in the Sunday School presidency) and getting his home teaching taken care of. Today he helped me out a ton by watching the kids that come with their parents to choir practice. Normally we hold choir at someone else’s house, but occasionally we need to have it at our house. He always does a great job keeping the kids entertained. 🙂
What Sarah’s Been Up To: I’m continuing to take care of our home and Joseph, as well as keeping up with my callings at church. Handling the visiting teaching routes is stressful at times, but our Relief Society president is such a great person to work with that it hardly feels like work. I’m also continuing to work with the ward choir. We’re having our Christmas program at church on the 14th, which will be great!
What Joseph’s Been Up To: Play dates and hanging out at home, for the most part. He has gotten the idea that I can call people on the phone, so he will often ask if we can call people so that I can put them on speaker phone, making it possible for him to talk to them, as well. This week, we talked with Grandma and Grandpa, as well as Uncle Aaron. Oh, and he’s getting really good with his letter recognition. When we pulled up to Cavender’s, he looked at the store front (which was all lit up in fluorescent letters) and said, “C-A-V-E-N-D-E-R-S spells…boot store!” I guess that makes sense, since we told him we were going to the boot store. 🙂
This Week in Pictures: