An {Almost} Picture-less Post

Weekly Happenings: This past week was one that did not contain much out of the ordinary. Sunday evening, we went to the home of friends’ for dinner. The kids had tons of fun playing together and the adults enjoyed some grown-up conversation. The first part of the week went as it always does. Thursday was Saint Patrick’s Day, but other than having some corned beef hash for supper, we didn’t do much to celebrate it (well, I went to a friend’s house for a girls’ night and Paul and Joseph went out for frozen yogurt). Friday we had friends over for a game night, and yesterday was spent mostly with Paul doing yard work (more about that later) as well as homework, and me entertaining Joseph at home (though we did go to the park in the morning to take part in our community park clean-up).

The Weekly Weather: The beginning of the week was rather warm and muggy (a hint of the summer, I suppose). Friday we had a pretty gnarly storm come through with a great lightning show. We probably got quite a bit of rain with that storm. Yesterday it was quite cold, in comparison to what the temperatures had been previously. Today has been a mixture of both types of weather. It was rather cool this morning, but it’s heating up as the day progresses.

What Paul’s Been Up To: Other than his ordinary stuff (work and school), he mostly worked on the yards. He got supplies to build a frame around the blackberries and then put down a layer of paper, followed by soil (with wildflower seeds), followed by a layer of bark chips. He also mowed the front lawn, making it look really nice.

What Sarah’s Been Up To: Not too much out of the ordinary, other than what’s already been mentioned. Most of my students took the week off because it was Spring Break. I found out that one of my students will need to stop having lessons at the end of the month, but I’ll have another one starting this week.

What Joseph’s Been Up To: The highlight of Joseph’s week had to be the opening of the Neighborhood Walmart down the street from our neighborhood. While I was at my friend’s house on Thursday, he and Paul stopped by there on the way home from getting frozen yogurt. Joseph had dropped the last gummy bear in his frozen yogurt on the ground and was pretty devastated. He perked up when Paul said they could go to the new Walmart. So, not only did he get to see the new Walmart (which he had been anticipating for MONTHS), but he got to get some gummy bears (to make up for the one he dropped) as well. He now refers to that particular Walmart as “the new Walmart that has gummy bears.” 🙂 Another random Joseph story: he woke up one morning wanting to pretend to be a minion. Little did I know this would include eating an entire banana as part of his breakfast. This is the kid who has refused to eat a banana (even though he likes the concept of peeling them) for well over a year. Whatever works for you, kid.

This Week in Pictures: I only had one picture of Joseph (hence the title of this blog post) so I decided to throw in some other random pictures.

My curiosity was piqued by this guy who was marching resolutely across our front patio one morning, seeming to be not at all deterred by the fact that it was missing an antenna. I asked local friend what kind of bug it was and they said it was a stink bug (and to be careful because they like to pierce fruit and suck all the juices out…we’ll have to watch our garden for these guys, I suppose).
I am not, in any way, shape, or form, responsible for his wardrobe choices…just throwing that out there. Oh, and he had just finished “sawing” me in half, so he was looking for tools to put me back together again.
Our tomatoes are looking quite healthy and already have some blossoms on them.
The result of Paul’s hard work yesterday. I can hardly wait for the leaves to pop out (the buds are there) on the blackberries and for the wildflower seeds to germinate and pop out.
The pepper plant (top left) already has flowers on it and the basil (top right) and cilantro (bottom left) already look like they may need to be harvested a bit. The strawberry plant (bottom right) is looking good too.

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