It’s hard to believe that a third of summer is gone. We’re already into July…August is just around the corner, and then fall will fast forward into the holidays before I can blink. To be honest, we didn’t do too much this week. It’s hard to find motivation when the weather is so hot and humid. We mostly just sat around the house and soaked in the fact that we didn’t have any plans. Paul was able to take Friday off and he also has Monday off (Independence Day falls on a Sunday this year, so Monday is the observed federal holiday), so he has a nice, long four-day weekend (which is nice because he’s been at work while the rest of us have been lazying around). Oh, one funny story: Abigail was pretending to be a doctor and I was her patient. She was using her play kitchen utensils as doctor’s tools. She checked my reflexes and then checked my heart (with her toy stethoscope). Next, she said, “Now where’s my knife?” 😳 I pointed out her play knife and then asked her why she needed it. She answered (rather matter-of-factly), “I’m gonna cut off your arm.” 😂 She then proceeded to “cut” off my arm (very gently, thankfully) and bandaged me up with imaginary bandages. She finished up my (rather extensive, if you ask me) check-up by using a plastic fork to give me a shot (she told me I had to tell her that I didn’t want a shot so that she could tell me it would be okay) and offering me a Bluey bandaid. 🤣 Always on my toes. I’m always on my toes with her.
Bonus videos: outdoor fun!