Coming back from vacation is always a bit of a reality check, especially since we only had one day before completely jumping back into our daily routine. On Monday (which was a holiday because it was the day chosen to observe New Year’s, since it was on a Sunday this year), we took down all of the Christmas decorations, I went grocery shopping, we did laundry, I made another batch of jam, and we got all settled so that we’d be ready for work and school on Tuesday. I have a two week long assignment at the school which has been nice because I get a chance to know the students and I get to actually teach them a bit instead of just using busy work to fill our day. The kids have settled back into school (and getting back onto Texas time, which has proven a challenge). Paul is getting settled back into work as well. It’s crazy to realize that we’re in the year 2023. Typing that number just boggles my mind. Time just marches on!
I always feel a little sense of accomplishment when I see these jars of jam. My cooking blender makes the process so easy that I really don’t have an excuse NOT to make fresh jam.I ultimately decided to keep my calendar up. It’s just too cool to tuck away!This was on Friday afternoon. I think she was pretty worn out after her first week back to school after vacation. Me, too, sister.One of her favorite snacks is a plain scoop of peanut butter. It’s something I remember my mom doing and I started doing one day when she was asking me (for the umpteenth time) for a snack right before dinner. Paul took both of the kids to IKEA while I got some things done. One of the things he picked up was a new dresser for Abigail. She had been using the changing table that she had as a baby, that Joseph had as a baby, that I had as a baby…and who knows how many of my siblings had as a baby. It has lasted a long time, but it was beginning to fall apart, in spite of all of Paul’s repair efforts. This new dresser will be good for her to grow into. The other thing Paul picked up was this set of shelves that we’re planning on using to house a bunch of our games. We still have a smidge of organizing to do (mainly getting containers that can fit into the small cubbies so that we can better store the things that are in that blue organizer up on top), but I love it!