This past week was just as busy as the one before it. I didn’t even get any pictures taken until Friday and Saturday. I finished up the week with the first grade class I was teaching (their teacher is going to be back on Tuesday after the three-day weekend we’re currently right in the middle of). It was fun but tiring at the same time (I was doing a lot of lesson planning and prep because of the length of the assignment). It was nice to be able to be with the same class for an extended amount of time. I got to know them and really got to be able to see them learn and grow. Paul kept busy at work as is typical. The kiddos made it through another week of school happy and healthy. Joseph had an appointment at the middle school where he got to try out all the different band instruments to see which he likes best. He also had an audition for percussion. The percussion teacher was very impressed with his ability to keep tempo and repeat back difficult beat patterns (she would count it and he would clap it back). We’ll hear back in a week or two whether he gets to do percussion (which is his first course) or another instrument. He did really like the baritone, so he elected for that to be his second choice. I really liked how they ran the appointment. They talked him through each instrument and taught him how to shape his mouth so that he could be successful about making a sound come out of each of them. It was a really positive experience for him!