A Fun Week

Weekly Happenings: Paul took this past Monday off, so we decided to go to the zoo and also the Japanese Tea Gardens. I’m glad we had that fun day, because it made it easier to take the rest of the week easy. 🙂 On Thursday, we had some friends over for dinner, who have a little boy about a year younger than Joseph. Those two played together so well! I love that we’re making good friends here!

The Weekly Weather: Rinse and repeat from last week (minus the rain)…hot, hot, hot!

What Paul’s Been Up To: Besides work, which keeps him pretty busy, he’s been working with his scout, as well as continuing to improve our backyard (with putting borders around the trees in the backyard).

What Sarah’s Been Up To: Piano students, getting the visiting teaching report done, and keeping Joseph entertained was the order of the week. 😉

What Joseph’s Been Up To: Trying to fix owies (I hurt my toe and he told me that putting his Mickey Mouse slippers on my feet would make me feel better. After I showed him they wouldn’t fit, he settled for giving me a hug.) and coming up with cute things to say and do. One thing he told me was that he loved our Roku Box. It may or may not be because of the fact that he realizes that the Roku Box provides him with some of his favorite shows on demand. 😉 Another thing he did was to run around the house telling me that he was Super Joseph and that he was there to rescue me. 🙂

This Week in Pictures:

This was on the way to the zoo. I guess the anticipation wore him out. 😉
Riding the bronze elephant.
Daddy feeding a lory nectar.
On the zoo train.
The couple behind us offered to take a family picture.
At the Japanese Tea Gardens. They were doing construction on the ponds, so we walked around the rest of it. There are A LOT of steps and lush and beautiful plants everywhere.
A glimpse of the mischievous boy we love.
Daddy and Joseph.
I love these men!
Especially when they are being silly.
Thumbs up? 😉
At the tippy-top of the gardens.
Chowing down on noodles (he already ate the fresh veggies that were cooked with the noodles before I took the picture.
He liked it so much the first day, he demanded to have it for lunch the next day.
Trying to train his Cheerios to get onto the spoon.
With his mouth full of noodles, he asked me to take his picture. 🙂
Silly faces…
Kissy faces…
Doing some pretty serious work.
Wearing Daddy’s old field cap.
He wanted to be a train engineer…so I had him put on his truck costume and then convinced him that Paul’s field cap was the perfect engineer’s hat.

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