Weekly Happenings: I tweaked my back picking Joseph up last Sunday, so our week was pretty laid back. We more than made up for it yesterday, though. We went out to the BX so that Paul could get a new wallet (his first new one in about 10 years), then we went to the zoo, then to Bass Pro Shops to do some of the fun Christmas things they do there (and to get a ticket to come back and get a ticket to see Santa and get a free picture), then home to take pictures for our Christmas cards, then out to eat dinner at Bobby J’s, then to Wal Mart for a few things (windshield wiper blades and wiper fluid for the Honda), and then back out to Bass Pro Shops for the Santa experience. It was quite the day!
The Weekly Weather: It’s been up and down this week. We’ve had cooler days and warmer days, and some days that started out cold and ended up warm (not to mention the day that started out warm and then dropped more than ten degrees in less than an hour). Gotta love Texas weather!
What Paul’s Been Up To: Work and school as usual. Not too much out of the ordinary this week.
What Sarah’s Been Up To: Other than upping my time on the elliptical from 20 minutes a day to 30 minutes a day, not too much new stuff to report here, either.
What Joseph’s Been Up To: A couple of funny Joseph stories/facts: We were eating popcorn the other day and Joseph said, “Hey, just like on the tree!” There’s a song he sings in nursery that talks about apricot blossoms looking like popcorn popping…so we had a brief discussion about where popcorn really comes from. Also, he has displayed that he can use the voice search option to find what he wants to look at (mainly videos of Super Mario Brothers) on Google, either on our computers or on our phones.
This Week in Pictures:

Bonus Video for the Week: Joseph singing the ABCs: