Weekly Happenings: Our week started off with a bang…on Sunday night, our AC stopped working. Paul was able to take a couple of days off work to install a window AC in our room (so that we would at least have one cool room to all sleep in since the AC company couldn’t send someone out until Tuesday) and be here for when the repairman showed up (I always feel better when he’s here for that type of thing). The compressor stopped working, so we opted to replace the entire outside unit (since that was not much more than replacing just the compressor). While waiting for the repairman to be able to come, we spent a lot of time in other air conditioned areas. The middle of the week was pretty typical and we ended the week with a much more preferable event: our 16th wedding anniversary. We exchanged gifts (I got a new purse and Paul got a new ball cap and a beard-grooming kit), went out for dinner, and then let the kids run around at the local outdoor mall playground.
The Weekly Weather: Warm and sunny…not too humid, which has been nice.
What Paul’s Been Up To: He’s been busy with work but has enjoyed having his evenings back to be able to relax and hang out more with the family.
What Sarah’s Been Up To: I’ve been keeping the kids happily entertained.
What Joseph’s Been Up To: He enjoyed getting to go meet his first grade teacher. He’s excited that his teacher likes superheroes just like him, and is looking forward to seeing his school friends again.
What Abigail’s Been Up To: Just about everything, haha. She keeps us on her toes with her ever-increasing reach and wins us over with her sweet little phrases (“there you go”, “thank you”, “hi”, “awww”, and the like).
This Week in Pictures:

Bonus Video: Abigail dancing to the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse exit song (and saying “bye” to the characters)