Weekly Happenings: The work/school week was pretty normal. Yesterday we decided to take a day trip to Austin. We stopped for a mini-break at Buc-ee’s (a humongous gas station that has all sorts of fun stuff inside), leaving with fresh drinks, beef jerky, and two plush beavers (the “mascot” for Buc-ee’s is a beaver), haha. Once we got to Austin, we stopped at In-N-Out for lunch and then went to IKEA and Zilker Park. Zilker Park is a huge park (kind of similar to Brakenridge Park here in San Antonio) with a lot of natural areas and a really fun playground area. They also have a small train to ride around the park as well. It was a pretty fun trip.
The Weekly Weather: It’s been gorgeous. I can hardly believe that we actually have gotten a spring this year (warm, but not too warm). It’s been mostly clear. We did have one thunderstorm come through, but it was overnight Friday, so yesterday was just as clear and beautiful as the rest of the week was.
What Paul’s Been Up To: He’s enjoyed having a bit of a break from school. He was able to get his finals done early, so he had most of last week off and then this next week is his official break before he starts up on his final semester. I am so proud of him. He has been maintaining a pretty loaded school schedule (and getting good grades) as well as working full-time (not to mention holding down a calling at church and making time for family). I know it’s been stressful, but he’s handled it amazingly.
What Sarah’s Been Doing: I’ve mostly been doing the normal mom stuff: running errands, keeping the tiny human happy (as well as the not-so-tiny-anymore human), and the like.
What Joseph’s Been Up To: He’s been doing really well in school. He also got to have a friend come over after school one day, which he loved a lot.
What Abigail’s Been Up To: She’s been her normal cute self. She keeps us all on our toes with how mobile she’s become. We’re getting better at remembering to close doors as well as using the lock features on the fridge and dishwasher (since her reach is increasing as well).
This Week in Pictures: