Weekly Happenings: This past week, we were pretty much just going day-by-day. We didn’t do too much out of the ordinary for the first part of the week (there was a park play date tossed in). On Thursday, I swallowed almost all trepidation and took both kids to the zoo. The thought itself of taking them both wasn’t what made me a bit apprehensive (I obviously take both of them to a lot of places)…it was more the fact that I knew I would need to feed Abigail while there (if I wanted to be at the zoo during the coolest part of the day). When she was just drinking bottles, that was one thing. Now that she’s eating solid foods, it’s quite another. It ended up fine, though. I have this thing that kind of reminds me of the bulb of a turkey baster attached to a spoon. You put the baby food into the bulb, screw the spoon end on, and then squeeze the bulb. The food comes out from a small hole and onto the spoon. Other than her being a little weirded out by the differently-shaped spoon than what she’s used to and eating while in her stroller as opposed to her high chair, she did great! The other fun thing we did this was to have a fun family day yesterday. We went out for lunch (a great BBQ place called B-Daddy’s), walked around the booths at the Market Day at Old Town Helotes, went home for a bit, and then ended the day with going to La Cantera so that Joseph could play at the playground (with ice cream for dessert).
The Weekly Weather: Typical end-of-June weather: hot and humid. The mornings haven’t been too bad, but I still kind of struggle with the fact that it doesn’t seem to cool down much as the sun goes down. It will often still be in the 80s at 9:00/10:00 at night.
What Paul’s Been Up To: Work, school…typical stuff.
What Sarah’s Been Up To: As mentioned above, there was the zoo trip. Other than that, not too much for me, either.
What Joseph’s Been Up To: Wiggling his second loose tooth like crazy (especially since we discovered the adult tooth coming in behind the baby one), keeping baby sister entertained (even if it entails a shrieking contest between the two of them), and enjoying his summer break before school starts back up at the end of August.
What Abigail’s Been Up To: Loving the entertainment she gets from Joseph (and the rest of us, but him especially), shoving anything and everything into her mouth (where are those teeth?!), testing the acoustics of the different parts of the house (at least I know she’s got a healthy set of lungs…those happy shrieks can be quite loud), and just being an all-around joy.