
So we just got back on Saturday from a week of vacation up to Utah. We stayed with Paul’s friend and were able to visit with family and friends…and do a bit of sight seeing as well. We went to Salt Lake one day and walked around. We went to a couple of places that are directly affiliated with our church (the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints) that were really neat. We went to the Church History Museum and the Church History Library. I had been to the museum before, but it was still really neat to see all of the artifacts from pioneer times. I have not been to the Library before, though. They have so much stuff there! Things like pioneer journals, original Books of Mormon…stuff like that. We were able to take a tour and watch a video about the library. Most of the really cool stuff is not open to the public unless they look at it with permission and in special rooms that are made for looking at fragile documents, but we learned that they keep them in temperature-controlled rooms away from natural light. I would like to go back and do some research on my family history…it would be so cool! Other highlights of the trip: going out to eat with my sister and brother and their spouses. we went to Olive Garden…it was SO good! We went out to eat with a former foster family of Paul’s that we still like to keep in contact with. We also went to the movies twice (did I mention that matinee prices in Utah rock?). We saw the A-team (which was entertaining…I wouldn’t call it a cinematic masterpiece, but it was pretty good) and the new Karate Kid…now THAT was an amazing movie! I would watch it again. We also got to go see my other brother, Gary, and his family. Paul got to go shooting with Gary, and that was awesome for him. He had a really good time doing that! Even though it was a realatively short trip, we had an awesome time! I hope that we can continue doing this…it really is awesome to see family and get a break from the rat race!

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