It seems like I blinked once and half of August was gone. We haven’t been doing too much outside because the weather has finally started acting like August. The mornings have been relatively cool-ish (in the low 80s), so that’s when we really try to get out and do stuff (after dousing ourselves in bug spray, of course…because the mosquitoes are really bad in the mornings and evenings). This week, our outdoor outing was to the zoo. I had to get the annual car inspected so I could renew the registration, so I decided that since we were getting an early start with that, we might as well head over to the zoo afterward while it was still remotely cool. We got there about half an hour after they opened and it was not crowded at all, which was wonderful! We’ve also tried to squeeze in early morning back yard play. School starts a week from Monday, so we’re just soaking in the last bits of summer.
Wearing her brother’s old hat and old shirt. Getting in some swing time.I love that they have a fun back yard to play in. I’m so grateful for Paul’s hard work that keeps the grass nice and for his skill in building things (like the swing set).Tickle attack!!Playing catch.All ready for church!Riding the Komodo dragon. I think it was this picture that made me first realize just how big he’s getting. He’ll be ten in a couple of weeks!It would be interesting to go through my pictures and see just how many I have of her in front of this wall. She insists I take her picture every time. Of course the macaws started grooming each other right as I took a picture, haha. Their coloration is so beautiful! Abigail was calling them “rainbow parrots”. The big one on the big hippo and the little one on the little hippo. Checking out the emu.I think this was the first time I realized our zoo had three rhinos.Elephants!She was excited that the elephant was cool enough to climb on.This miniature mongoose was very curious……and so was this little girl. The caracal was a little grumpy…it had its ears back and was showing everybody its teeth.He thought it was neat that the moon jellies’ tank lighting would change, making them stand out in the water.Zoo train fun! Guess who’s into making silly faces for the camera?I did get a normal picture afterward, though.My sweet boy. I also love the area that the zoo train travels through. It’s really beautiful! We love living in San Antonio. She took some of her play food to make me a “carrot cake”. The play soup was her “candle”. I love her imagination!