The weather has decided that it’s not going to make up its mind whether to be cold or warm. The first half of the week was pretty cold by Texas standards: highs in the 50s and lows in the 30s. Then this last weekend came and we were back to highs in the 80s and lows in the 50s. I shouldn’t be surprised, since there is a saying that goes, “If you don’t like the weather in Texas just wait 10 minutes”, but I still feel thrown for a loop.
Joseph Funny-isms for the week:
In one of my last posts, I mentioned Joseph’s new bear. I underestimated the love of the bear…a lot. He has taken that bear everywhere with him this week. It came with us while running errands, while going to do fun things, while going on walks…everywhere! Most of the time, I convinced him to leave the bear in the car when we got to our destinations, sometimes I didn’t (I’m now an even bigger believer of picking my battles). He’s just now getting to the point that he’s okay leaving the bear at home…sometimes.
Going along with the bear theme: the other morning, I was trying to convince Joseph to go into the bathroom so that I could brush his teeth, so I told him the bear wanted to watch him get his teeth brushed (I was desperate, I tell ya’). This somehow worked! I set the bear on top of the toilet lid and got Joseph’s toothbrush ready. Then Joseph wanted to brush the bear’s teeth. Enter sort-of-long discussion explaining why we couldn’t brush the bear’s teeth (started with “he’s a stuffed animal” and ended with “he doesn’t have teeth…see?”). Joseph solved the problem by pretending to brush the bear’s teeth, by rubbing his pointer finger back-and-forth in front of the bear’s mouth.
Joseph has become a really great mimicker. The two instances that really stick out on my mind both happened while he was watching Elmo’s World (part of Sesame Street). 1) He noticed Elmo was pretending to be a frog, so he had to pretend to be a frog; hopping around and “ribbiting” included of course. 2) At the end of each episode of Elmo’s World, Elmo plays the piano and sings a song that has to do with the theme of the episode, but always to the tune of “Jingle Bells” (don’t ask me why…I have no answers for that one). Well, as this was happening, Joseph decided to “play” the “piano” (by strumming his fingers on the edge of the coffee table) and singing along (except he said “na-na-na” the whole time).
Today I came into the living room to find Joseph standing up, but he was bent over at the waist and had his head (and hands) on the ground. I asked him what he was doing and he told me “I upside-down.” Duh, Mommy.
Sometimes he’ll walk up to me and say, “Mom” in a very matter-of-fact way. I’ll say, “Yes?” and then he’ll answer in complete gibberish. I really wish I knew what he was saying, because I’m sure he thinks he’s saying something.
I was tired of Joseph commandeering my flip-flops, so we went on a search to get him his own (but a larger size so that he still feels like they are meant for play). We lucked out and found a $1 pair at Walmart. He loves them and I no longer have to go on an extended expedition to find both my shoes.
He REALLY loves bread, so I decided that I’m going to make bread on a more regular basis. I didn’t buy any bread at the store last week and I don’t have plans to buy any this week, either. It’s so easy to make, and I know that there are no preservatives in it, so it’s slightly more healthy than store-bought, right? I don’t think we’re going to save a fortune, but I’ve decided that the quality is what I like.
Joseph and Paul are pretty happy, too.
Odd Moment of the Week: Two keys on my piano randomly started sticking (I would hit the keys and they would just stay down), so I called my piano tuner. He came out and took the top of the piano off so that he could see the felts and hammers…and found a pile of rubber bands (one of which was wedged between the two troubled keys)! I didn’t recognize the rubber bands, so we came to the conclusion that they had been in there from the previous owners…maybe a mischievous child in their home managed to get them in there). We missed seeing them when the piano was tuned because he didn’t need to open the piano up completely. I was glad it was such a simple fix, and he didn’t even charge me for it!
This Week in Pictures: