The Beginning of the Most Wonderful Time of the Year
This past week we said goodbye to November and hello to December. It’s hard to believe that we’re already at the last month of the year. At this point, we have two weeks of school left until we get to start Christmas break. Report cards are due right before the break (so they can go out to the kids right after the break) and we have all the fun festivities that come with this time of year. This past week ushered all of that in with dress-up days (for the elementary kids, at least), cooler weather (finally), and just an excitement in the air as we all count down to Christmas. I love this time of year. I love the lights, especially. I love seeing the decorations and all the reminders of our Savior. It really is the most wonderful time of year.
Paul, Joseph, and one of Joseph’s friends worked hard at pounding stakes into the ground that these wooden Christmas trees could be tied to. This is at one of the entrances to our neighborhood where there’s a big field. All the lights are solar powered (since there’s no electricity out there). I think they did a great job!I love this part of our front yard decorations. We added the spotlight this year so that it was easier to see the manger scene at night.Paul’s work decorations. They got an inflatable dummy to dress up, haha.We got Abigail this Bluey advent calendar.She likes getting to open up the different days to see what’s there.This was the first one. The others (so far) have been a little crown for Bluey to wear and a sticker of a present. She loves getting to open a new one every morning. This might actually get her out of bed on time for the last two weeks of school, haha.Friday was “Wear a Santa Hat” day, so of course we had to do it.I love my mini-me who gets super-excited whenever we can match. I also love this amazing kiddo who has pretty much been living in this sweatshirt ever since I got it for him from Buc-ee’s like, what, a week and a half ago? Don’t worry, I have asked him to part with it once so that I could wash it.