Thank Goodness for Rain!

Weekly Happenings: During the week, we didn’t do too much out of the ordinary. It was nice to kind of just hang around the house relaxing. Yesterday we drove up to Austin for a fun day trip. We ate lunch at a place called The Noble Pig, which was featured on Diners, Drive-Ins, and Dives. The food was pretty good! We also walked around the state capitol building. It was really neat to get to walk around and see all the different rooms, as well as walk all the way to the top floor so that we could look up into the dome. I loved all the ornate wood work, windows, and metal work. There were little details everywhere, from Texas Stars on all the door knobs to even intricate carvings on the part of the doors where they latch. Overall it was a great day.

The Weekly Weather: While it has still been hot, we’ve had a few breaks in that it rained several times this past week. Wednesday we had three different storms come through, it sprinkled a bit on Thursday, and then yesterday, when the precipitation percentage was relatively low (only a 9% chance), it poured for a good part of the morning. To quote Paul, “I think we were the 9%.” Thankfully the temperatures are supposed to be slightly cooler this week at least and I believe there’s another chance for rain (we could use it…we’re already back under water restrictions). I’m hoping for no more 100*+ weather, but we’ll see. :/

What Paul’s Been Up To: Work, for the most part. 🙂 He did find someone in Austin that has a mountain bike for sale that is very similar to the one that he had on his mission (and that had gotten stolen off the balcony of our apartment in Colton). It’s a year newer, but looks almost the same. We had hoped to meet up with the person yesterday while we were up in Austin, but weren’t able to, so we’ll try for another time in the near future.

What Sarah’s Been Up To: I’ve been kind of just plugging along. I got to go to a Relief Society activity this past week where we brought in our favorite book to share, had ice cream sundaes, and mainly sat around and chatted. It was a really fun activity. 🙂

What Joseph’s Been Up To: He’s been reminding me that he can be a little parrot at times. The other day we were at Hobby Lobby and I picked up a large wooden letter in order to get a better look at it. It was heavier than I expected, so I said, “Holy cow, that’s heavy!” So of course, Joseph had to mimic me. He did so, all the way down to repeating what I had said, word for word. Good thing I make a point to keep my language clean. 🙂 One cute thing that he said earlier this past week happened when he discovered I had surprised him with grapes as part of his lunch (he LOVES grapes). He said, “You gave me…grapes?! That was so nice of you!” I guess that he’s heard me say that in conjunction with when he tells me that someone did something nice (“Oh, so-and-so gave you that? That was so nice of them!”). He also was telling us this afternoon at lunch that if you make good decisions, you can be happy. I wonder if that’s what they talked about in Primary today. 🙂 Finally, I think he’s been letting his imagination get the better of him sometimes. We’ve talked about monsters and he agrees that they are imaginary, but when we’re trying to get him to go to sleep, he will say that he’s scared of the imaginary monsters. :/ I try to be patient with him, though, because I can remember being scared when I was young, not necessarily of the dark, but what I couldn’t see because of the darkness (who knew what was lurking in the corners of my room?!). So, he’s taken to asking us to leave his door open (at least partially) and he usually flips his light back on as soon as we’re out of the room. He eventually falls asleep (sometimes it is evident that he’s played with his toys a bit first) and we turn out the light and close the door. This, too, shall pass, right? 😉

This Week in Pictures:

What looks like a rock in front of a sculpture that Gary made is actually…
…a toad! They love the wet weather and all the bugs. I love that they eat all the bugs! We have so many hanging around our front and back yards, though this is by far the biggest one. Most of them are a lot smaller. We also have green tree frogs that hang out on the sides of the house, directly under the porch lights (we have a light by the front door and then one on each side of the garage door). They’re no dummies! They know where to go to get the food. 😉
There’s a dry spot in our yard (due to the fact that one of our trees is currently blocking the path of one of our sprinklers). Joseph got soaked while he was helping me water one of our friends’ lawns (they were out of town…their sod is relatively new and needed to be watered often), so I decided to let him play in the sprinkler when we got home.
It’s sort of hard to see, but there are three toads in graduated sizes hanging out in the puddles that formed inside the sculpture on our front porch.
This is what a 9% chance of rain looks like. 😉
I took another picture because after I took the first one, it started to rain even harder.
Lunch at The Noble Pig in Ausitin. Paul and I shared a pork belly BLT (think REALLY thick bacon) and Joseph had a grilled cheese sandwich.
In the Senate room of the capitol.
Hanging out in the dome area.
My boys.
Joseph loves it when he and Paul get to wear their shirts that happen to match. I think he’ll be pretty sad when he gets to big for his.
Paul got this shot from the ground level. Of course there’s a Texas Star in the center of the dome. 🙂

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