Weekly Happenings: This past week Joseph was on Spring Break. It was nice to be able to sleep in every day (especially since a couple of us are still struggling with the time change that comes with Daylight Saving Time). We had play dates, went to the zoo, and relaxed at home. Because of the craziness that’s going on with the coronavirus, we’ve also made sure to wash our hands more often than before and have kind of kept close to home. Thankfully, we normally keep a couple flats of water on hand to begin with, and I happened to stock up on toilet paper and hand soap before a lot of the activities and events started getting canceled, so we haven’t been affected by the shortages at all. It will be interesting to have church at home, though (since the leaders in Salt Lake have told us to cancel all meetings, including Sacrament meeting). Also, Joseph’s school district has decided to close down all the schools for the next week, so Spring Break has been extended. I think that we’ll be keeping even more close to home this time, though. We want to be able to help with the social distancing that the city leaders are advising, which will hopefully prevent mass spreading of the virus.
The Weekly Weather: It’s been really nice spring weather: sunny and warm (but not too warm). We’re supposed to get quite a bit of rain this next week, so I’m glad we got to enjoy a bit of the sunshine.
What Paul’s Been Up To:He only worked part of the week and then took Thursday and Friday off. He spent a lot of that time doing some yard work and starting some needed maintenance on some of the pipes for the irrigation system.
What Sarah’s Been Up To: I’ve mainly been an entertainment device this week…also a transporter to fun places.
What Joseph’s Been Up To: I’ve sort of let him rot his brain on video games this week, haha. I was not anticipating also having school off next week, so next week I’ll probably make sure he does something a bit more constructive.
What Abigail’s Been Up To: She’s been perfecting her “little sister” game by pretty much shadowing her older brother. Thankfully, he’s extremely patient with her!
This Week in Pictures:
Home made beef and broccoli. It was pretty good! I love having an enamel-coated cast iron pan. I have the benefits of cast iron (even heating, good browning), but I can cook things that would normally wreak havoc on the seasoning of the cast iron.More daylight in the evenings means more time for bubbles!It also means more time for swinging (this was after Paul dug out and killed the fire ants that had decided to “build” their hill inside one of the legs of the swing set).A relatively recent discovery: fresh chopped garlic stored in water (that I can keep in the fridge). No more messy garlic press and garlicky smelling fingers!This is what Abigail thinks about mornings that feel earlier than they are.They always need a picture on the hippo statue at the zoo.Abigail was fascinated by these birds that were literally a few feet away from her.Checking out the African crested porcupines.This was all that Abigail talked about for almost the entire car-ride to the zoo: wanting to see the elephants.Hanging out on the bronze elephant.Seeing the dwarf mongoose all piled on top of each other was pretty funny.Checking out the okapi.In front of the Nile crocodile. I’m glad there’s a thick pane of glass between us and it!They also found it amusing that the hippos were stacked.They both love seeing the tropical fish.On the zoo train. I’m not sure what caused the scrunchy nose, but it was cute, so I kept the picture.Here’s a non-scrunchy-nosed one.Super Sky!She said she wanted to share the chair with him…he didn’t realize that meant she was going to pile on top of him.It’s hard to believe they’re getting as big as they are.Abigail was convinced that this was perfectly safe…Joseph had his doubts, haha.Sword fighting.It was a good thing he had his shield. I could tell he was going easy on her.Such a good big brother!Living the toddler-dream: munching on cookies and watching a show.I made eggs for breakfast this morning. As I was putting my pan away, Abigail told me she wanted to play with it. Figuring that would be an excellent way for her to break a few toes, I suggested she play with this mini cast iron pan instead. She told me she was eating eggs.