Weekly Happenings: This past week was pretty cold (a cold front came in rather quickly on Monday). The weather kind of affected what we did, which was not much, haha. We did go out to eat on Monday since it was Veterans’ Day. Normally we can find a place to get Paul a free meal, but we were encountering crowds…who woulda thunk it…in “Military City, U.S.A.”? so we ended up just going to one of our regular favorites (who was awesome enough to give us a veteran’s discount). Other than that, we pretty much just hunkered down to avoid the cold.
The Weekly Weather: When I say cold, I really mean it. The lows were below freezing or right at freezing for a few days in a row. The highs weren’t much higher, either. We just did our best to layer, layer, layer.
What Paul’s Been Up To: He’s been busy with work and his church calling. He’s also prepping to get the neighborhood entrances decorated for Christmas (he plans it all out and then does the installation the Saturday after Thanksgiving). It’s hard to believe that we’re already at this point in the year!
What Sarah’s Been Up To: I’ve enjoyed not having my finger all wrapped up. It’s so much more convenient!
What Joseph’s Been Up To: Mainly just school. He’s got one more week of school before having a full week off…which I think we’re all looking forward to!
What Abigail’s Been Up To: She likes to pretend that her plush Pluto is a real dog who needs to sleep right next to her. She’ll carefully place him on her pillow, tell him to stay, and then pat his head, calling him a “good dog”. She has also wanted me to play Hide and Seek with her for a good chunk of the afternoon yesterday. When she hides, it’s pretty much out in plain sight, so I have to pretend I can’t find her…but if I take too long, she comes to find me (she’s also giggling in anticipation the entire time). When I tell her to count, she usually gets to three before coming to find me (though once I heard her get up to twelve). I usually toss a blanket over myself and hid that way. Then she comes up to me and says, “Mom! Is that you?!”, uncovers me, and bursts out laughing. It’s pretty fun.
This Week in Pictures: