Run-of-the-Mill Week

This past week was pretty much a run-of-the-mill type week. Our days were filled with going to work (Paul) and hanging out at home (me and Joseph). We (Joseph and I) kind of have a routine going: On Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, we go for a walk around the neighborhood in the morning, and then I come home and clean different parts of the house while Joseph plays. On Tuesdays, we go grocery shopping (it’s always a bit of a trip to the commissary), and on Thursdays we go to music playtime. Joseph loves music playtime because not only does he get to sing and dance, but he gets to see other kids around his age and he gets to play with toys after the music part is over. Occasionally this past week, I’ve heard him singing music playtime songs to himself when he’s playing. I love to hear him singing songs. 🙂 Saturdays and Sundays are obviously family days that we spend together with Paul.

As Halloween is approaching, Paul and I have been trying to get Joseph ready for it. Last year, he was too young to really know what was going on. This year is a bit different. He’s still not into trick-or-treating, but he is starting to pick up on “spooky” stuff. We’re trying to reiterate with him that it’s all pretend, and that it’s okay. We’ve tried showing him fun Halloween stuff (he REALLY loves “It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown”) to show him that it’s not all scary stuff. We also paid a visit to a local pumpkin patch so that he could pick out a pumpkin and see some of the other things. He was mostly interested in playing with the different pumpkins, which was fine, because most of the stuff there was for older kids. After that, we went out for dinner. We went to one of our favorite restaurants and Paul made sure to order the chicken-fried steak (Saturday happened to be “Chicken-fried Steak Day”).

This Week in Pictures:

Joseph fell head-first onto the tile, but would not let me hold the ice on his head. I had to convince him to wear it like a hat. Fortunately, he likes hats.
It’s been pretty chilly (and rather bright out) when we’ve been going for our morning walks, so this is Joseph’s “walk” get-up.
His big thing lately is saying “hi”. In this case, he was saying “hi” to Paul since I told him we were going to take a picture to send to Daddy.
Big boy brushing his teeth.
He even wants to say, “Cheese!” when he’s brushing his teeth!
Pumpkins just his size!
He loved that they all had “handles”.
He’d try to pick up a big one and say, “Uggghh!” as he tried to lift it. 🙂
Checking out the pumpkins.
We were trying to get him to look at the camera (you can even see him saying “Cheese!”) but there was just too much he wanted to look at. 🙂
He kept saying, “Pumpkins!”
He would pick one up, put it down, pick it up again…he would have been happy doing that all afternoon.
He made sure that we knew that there were pumpkins on the table.
“A pumpkin that fits in my hand? Awesome!”
Comparing pumpkins.
Getting a much-needed drink after running around the pumpkin patch.
Smiling when he realized that Paul was taking his picture.
Last, but not least: Happy Chicken-fried Steak Day! 😉

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