Momma’s Day and Dinos Galore

Weekly Happenings: This past week included Mother’s Day. Paul and Joseph made me breakfast, I got sweet presents, and I got to enjoy a great lesson in Relief Society. Mid-week was pretty normal. Yesterday, we scooted out to the zoo and found that they were getting ready for the dinosaur exhibit, which is due to open in a couple of weeks. This meant animatronic dinosaurs everywhere. It’s good that we had fun in the morning because in the afternoon I got hit pretty hard with a a stomach bug. As that was running its course, my slightly sore throat that started late Friday (which I thought might be from allergies) turned into a raging sore throat, so today I went to urgent care. I came away with antibiotics for strep throat. *sigh* Thankfully, Paul has been able to step in with the kids (hopefully keeping them from catching anything). Here’s to hoping this next week starts better than the last one ended!

The Weekly Weather: It’s been mostly sunny and dry, but we did have some rain come in last night and part of today.

What Paul’s Been Up To: He’s been kept pretty busy with team meetings and homework for school, as well as work and then the extra load that’s been added during my illness. I’m so grateful for him!

What Sarah’s Been Up To: I was recently released as a Gospel Doctrine (Sunday School) teacher and called to be the secretary in the Relief Society. I’m actually rather excited about it. It’s something I haven’t done before and the women I’m working with are amazing. I’m looking forward to the experience!

What Joseph’s Been Up To: He’s been enjoying the good, fun time that is the last little bit of school (I think he’s got about 2.5 weeks left). He’s also been a big helper with Abigail, for which I am super grateful.

What Abigail’s Been Up To: She’s been her normal, happy-go-lucky self for the most part. She is starting to put up a bit of a fight when we try to put her in for her nap, though. When I think about it, Joseph was about this age when he stopped napping. I was hoping Abigail would last a bit longer, but we’ll see what happens. She also has gotten brave enough to occasionally take a few steps by herself, but tends to still prefer to use the furniture or someone’s hands to steady herself.

This Week in Pictures:

The cute little plant I got to pot and take home from my Relief Society activity last week.
My Mother’s Day goodies.
A close-up of Joseph’s school Mother’s Day gift. They used the green screen in the computer lab for the background.
I love seeing what his mind comes up with for these answers!
Our little LEGO master.
Testing out the car he designed.
I love it when I look up and see little snippets like this.
Ready to defend Abigail from…well, just about anything, I suppose.
This is the sight that I’m sometimes greeted with when I have to get her out of her crib to go get Joseph from school.
Waiting in the parking lot for Joseph.
Seeing if her bin makes for a better seat.
Our garden.
Flowers on both the zucchini and the pumpkin.
I moved the other strawberry plant out from under the zucchini. I haven’t looked at it today, but hopefully it made the transplant okay and didn’t go into shock.
It was exciting to find that there is actually a zucchini on our zucchini plant!
She loves to crawl over to the hat/jacket area and see what she can reach to try on.
Sometimes our photo app will stylize a photo. I thought this one turned out pretty neat.
The bears were actually out (and chasing around the vultures in their enclosure).
Roar like a dinosaur…
…was a theme.
I think Paul caught him between roars for this one.
And…he’s back at it.
He was pretty excited to see all those dinosaurs.

Bonus Video: Abigail Being Silly

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