Just Chuggin’ Along

Weekly Happenings: This past Sunday, my friend Stephen (who I met in college) was able to hang out for a bit with us (he’s in town for some training for the Army). It was nice getting to see him again. The piano tuner came for his annual visit (my piano sounds sooooo good right now), we went swimming at a friend’s pool (which was really more like a mini water park), and then the boys got to go see the new Spiderman movie (and Joseph even got to pose with Spiderman, which he thoroughly enjoyed). Abigail and I went for a play date and then came home for lunch and hang-out time while the boys were gone.

The Weekly Weather: We had a crazy storm come through on Monday (my weather app mentioned the possibility of a small storm but it was essentially a monsoon). Other than that, it’s been pretty typical June weather: warm, sunny, humid, and a few small thunderstorms here and there.

What Paul’s Been Up To: He’s replaced a couple different parts on our lawnmower but has had to wait for clear weather to test it out to see if it’s working now. As I mentioned before, this morning he and Joseph headed out for a showing of the new Spiderman movie. I think they both had a great time.

What Sarah’s Been Up To: I got to watch my piano tuner tune my piano, which is always a bit fascinating. I also had fun taking the kids swimming. Other than that, it’s been a pretty typical week for me, which is nice. 🙂

What Joseph’s Been Up To: He had a blast at the aforementioned activities and has been really soaking up summer vacation.

What Abigail’s Been Up To: She’s been a ball of pure energy this week. She’s busy, busy, busy which in turn keeps my busy, busy, busy. 😉 This morning, Abigail woke up at 4:00 (I think it was a nightmare) and she and I slept on the couch until about 8:15 (well, after she finally fell back to sleep around six-ish). Consequently, she was trying to fall asleep at 4:00. When I wouldn’t let her (because, well…yeah), she pitched a bit of a fit but then she popped up, ran for the bathroom, and climbed into the tub (fully clothed), asking for a bath. When I asked why she wanted a bath, she said, “Bath and night-night.” Well…since that wasn’t going to happen (little miss smarty-pants), I decided to let her play with her tablet for a bit while I made dinner. 😏

This Week in Pictures:

I love stumbling upon Joseph’s creations. 🙂
Abigail was quick to warm up to Stephen…he was good at playing games with her.
Paul went and got Stephen from his hotel (he is without a vehicle for the training), brought him back for dinner and hanging out, and then we went and dropped him back off. It was so good seeing him!
I went to get her up one morning and was greeted with: “A-gi-gaiiiil, where ah-oooooooh?”
Then she added a: “Keep-a-boo!”
This was right after the crazy storm. We dropped almost twenty degrees in just a matter of a couple of hours.
I’m always amazed with how beautiful the sky is after a storm.
Playing the piano.
I love these two!
Abigail loves getting to push the button for selfies.
Do you remember when I said she was busy, busy, busy?
When she saw me taking her picture, she insisted on climbing up so that she could “push da button”. In her haste to push the button, she got the camera into portrait-mode which blurs the background but leaves the objects in the foreground in focus.
Swimming fun. Joseph loved getting to swim with friends. He’s in the blue and his friend is in the bright yellow.
This one had a blast, too.
She was even brave enough to lay back and try to float a bit (the water right here was only about a foot deep).
I love when there are holes in the clouds. This was after a pop-up thunderstorm.
The sun was breaking through and lighting up bits and pieces of the clouds. It looked so neat!
I love being outside when it’s all pinky-orange from the sunset.
Playing in the sunshine.
Strike a pose!
Spiderman checking out Joseph’s pose.
Waiting for the movie to start.

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