Weekly Happenings: This past week was pretty much like last week…and the week before that. I joke that we’re pretty much living like we were in the movie “Groundhog Day” with Bill Murray…where he has to live the same day over and over again. I don’t really have much more to add to that, haha. The governor has said that restaurants and retail businesses can open up again, but only allow a fraction of their regular occupancy. San Antonio is still under stay-at-home orders until May 19th, so people are trying to find a balance between the two. The state orders override any individual city orders, so basically the city is just watching to make sure the groups of people stay small enough and spread far enough out. I am really looking forward to when we can get past all this.
The Weekly Weather: For the most part, it’s been really mild this week. We’ve had a few days here and there that have been hot, but most of the days have been mild, overcast, and breezy.
What Paul’s Been Up To: Working from home this week, getting his car inspected (something we have to do every year as part of the registration process), yard work, etc.. Today he is sanding down and staining a cabinet that someone in the neighborhood was getting rid of so that we can use it in our living room for extra storage.
What Sarah’s Been Up To: Keeping the kids alive, healthy, and relatively happy. Not too much else on my end. Oh, except the funny thing that happened yesterday. I went to water my potted plants on the front patio and discovered a suspicious-looking mound of soil in one pot (that was probably two inches higher than the rest of the soil in the pot). I ran the hose over it, hoping that it was just what I was already thinking it was…and it was: a huge toad (about the size of my palm). We left him there for the time being, but if he doesn’t move along soon, we might need to relocate him so that his burrowing doesn’t hurt my potted rose bush too much.
What Joseph’s Been Up To: Schoolwork, playing outside (and having to deal with flying insects, which are not his favorite), playing inside, video games…typical 8YO boy stuff.
What Abigail’s Been Up To: Playing, playing, playing…inside, outside, wherever she can. The other day, she came up to me and asked me to help her find her “hay baby”. I was thoroughly confused for a moment until I realized she had just been playing with her Little People nativity…she needed help finding the baby Jesus (who is, of course, portrayed as a baby laying in hay) so “hay baby” is a great description, actually. She also picked out some interesting outfits this week. My favorite was when she picked an olive green shirt with polka dots and navy blue pants with polka dots…because, as she said, “polka dots and polka dots!” totally match, right? She then wanted her pink butterfly boots and monkey hat to complete the outfit.
This Week in Pictures: