Weekly Happenings: Well, it’s still February, but it sure feels like April or May. Joseph is rather confused. He keeps asking me if it’s still winter. I really can’t blame him, though. With the weather behaving like it has, we’ve been wearing shorts and short-sleeved shirts all week. Monday, we had a fun family day. Paul had the day off, so we headed downtown to go see the rodeo. We didn’t buy tickets to go see any of the bull riding or anything, we just walked around the fairgrounds. I think Joseph’s favorite part was the petting zoo. My favorite part was seeing how much he enjoyed everything. After we were done at the rodeo, we headed over to the zoo to see the new giraffe exhibit. Needless to say, it was a pretty crazy day. After that crazy day, we made the rest of the week rather low key. The only other thing that was really different than our regular routine was that on Friday night I had friends come over for a party I was hosting (more about that later). While I was partying it up, Paul and Joseph were hanging out upstairs and having quality boy time.
The Weekly Weather: It’s been sunny with highs in the upper-70s to low-80s. Craziness!!! We are supposed to get a few rainstorms coming through, but I don’t think the temperature is going to drop too much because of it.
What Paul’s Been Up To: Aside from school, work, and homelife, not too much has been happening out of the ordinary. He did attend a scout training this past weekend and then also has a campout coming up soon (over at Government Canyon State Park, so about a mile or two from our house).
What Sarah’s Been Up To: A bit more about the party I hosted: A friend of mine is a consultant for LuLaRoe (really cute and comfortable clothes that happen to be modest even!) so she came over and my friends and I tried on clothes, chatted, snacked on treats, and had a good time. One perk I didn’t realize at first was that if my friends bought a certain amount of clothing, I got free clothes. I was so lucky, because they bought enough clothing for me to get two free pieces (and then I bought a third because I couldn’t decide between two prints of a certain shirt…plus I wanted to support my friend a bit). It was so fun! I also had a book club meeting which was tons of fun as usual. Other than those things, my week was pretty average.
What Joseph’s Been Up To: The most notable thing that happened was that he got ahold of my phone while I was otherwise occupied, unlocked it, and took some pictures of himself…seventy-two, to be exact. I am so glad that they were just digital pictures that I could simply delete instead of it being an entire roll of “old-fashioned” film. Crazy kid. I had been experimenting with a setting on my phone that made it so that if I was at a “safe” place (i.e. a place that I unlocked my phone a lot of times), I would only have to do the pattern unlock once a day and then the rest of the day I would just need to do the swipe to unlock. Since home is a “safe” place, all Joseph had to do was wake up my phone and swipe to unlock (things that he’s used to doing with his tablet). Needless to say, that feature is disabled now, ha! He’s also into making his own jokes. One of his goes as follows:
Joseph: “Mom, how did the turtle cross the kitchen?”
Me: “I don’t know, how?”
Joseph: “He ran!”
This Week in Pictures: