Holiday Fun

Weekly Happenings: We got to do a few fun holiday things this past week. Last Saturday we went out to the zoo to see the Christmas decorations. It was fun seeing how excited the kids got. I think that’s what makes the holidays for me as an adult. Then on Monday, we went to Bass Pro’s Shop to see their holiday fun and to get our picture taken with Santa. Abigail was NOT going to be left with Santa (even with Joseph there), so we all stayed in the picture so that she’d be comfortable-ish. She still was apprehensive, but she didn’t cry (if that had happened, we totally wouldn’t have left her on his lap). She really liked the plush reindeer that she got after taking the picture (I kinda wish they’d given her that first…she might have been a bit happier for the actual picture, haha). Both she and Joseph loved playing with all the toys in the kid area afterward. It was a pretty fun night.

The Weekly Weather: It’s been a mix of colder weather and then milder weather. I must say, November might be my favorite month for weather in South Texas.

What Paul’s Been Up To: He helped decorate the neighborhood entrances, he’s been busy at work (getting some overtime in), and the like.

What Sarah’s Been Up To: Errand-running, play-dating, baby-snuggling…

What Joseph’s Been Up To: His class went on a field trip to the Doseum, which is the children’s museum downtown. He had a ton of fun and then was excited that they’d get to go to a nearby park to eat lunch afterward. It was a really fun day for him.

What Abigail’s Been Up To: She’s popping more words out (she’s pretty good at repeating stuff if I say it slowly enough). She understands A LOT of what we say, and can follow simple commands. It’s crazy to think that she will be two in just a few weeks!

This Week in Pictures:

She had just figured out how to turn on the singing Santa dog.
I love seeing these two play together.
This was a really fun cut-out at the zoo.
Next to the Zoo Lights sign.
The sign behind them says “North Pole”. They loved this section a lot because…
…there was fake snow falling.
Abigail loved the “snow”, too.
These wreaths are some of my favorite decorations there.
I love these boys more, though! If Joseph looks bummed it’s because right before taking this picture we told him to take a break from eating his popcorn. He loooooves popcorn!
Since the Zoo Lights tickets are included in our annual pass price, we decided to splurge and get each kid a (luckily rather inexpensive) souvenir. Joseph got this light-up sword.
Abigail got a light-up necklace.
Soaking up the silence with just the tree for light is one of my favorite things to do in the evenings.
Here’s our Santa picture!
Target practice.
Big brother duty.
The decorations at Bass Pro’s were so fun!
Playing with “dirt” (kinetic sand).
Playing with Lincoln Logs. It probably looks like she’s building here, but nah…
…she was dismantling ones that other kids had made and left…
…one log at a time, I might add.
So, Joseph is really into Beyblades right now (even though he has yet to actually own any). They are basically a spinning toy that has a zip-launcher. Once they are launched, they can “battle” each other and whichever one falls over (or falls apart, depending on the type) first is the loser. Joseph loves to create things that look like a toy he likes, even if it can’t necessarily function like that toy. This is the perfect example: he found stuff on the playground at recess and made his own Beyblade and launcher. That kid!
That little thing in her hand is a tiny plastic sea turtle. She carried that thing around all evening, was extremely upset when she couldn’t find it (she was sitting on it), and was just as relieved when I retrieved it for her.
Enjoying the park on a nice day.
I found this adorable ornament and couldn’t help but bring it home with me.
I also found this cute candy cane sign.
I love anything that looks vintage-y and this fit the bill!
Joseph and one of his buddies at the Doseum. His friend’s mom went as a chaperone and sent me any pictures she took that happened to have Joseph in them.
Eating lunch at the park after visiting the museum.
I sure love this boy!
His class.
Whenever I turn the phone so that she can see herself, she always wants to push the button to take the picture.
Someone absconded with my necklace…good thing she’s cute!
My December board. 🙂
Wahoo! That says $1.98/gallon for gas, y’all.

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