Getting Closer!

Weekly Happenings: The anticipation for Christmas is strong in our house. We love the lights, the music, the shows, and the magical feeling that comes with it all. We didn’t really go anywhere or do anything out of the ordinary, which was just fine by me!

The Weekly Weather: It’s been clear, cool, and just beautiful. I love December in South Texas! My only minor complaint is that the mountain cedar pollen is starting early this year, which means an early start to sneezy noses and itchy eyes. Bring on the Claritin, haha!

What Paul’s Been Up To: He’s been extra busy this week. He finally had enough time to install the Little Free Library he’s been working on. It turned out amazing and the neighborhood seems head-over-heels about it. We’ve had so many people say that they have books to donate for it. I love the sense of togetherness it’s bringing already.

What Sarah’s Been Up To: Not too much on my end. Just soaking in all the goodness that is December. 🙂

What Joseph’s Been Up To: He has enjoyed school (as I mentioned previously, December is a fun month for elementary school kids). He is also looking forward to Christmas and getting to see family.

What Abigail’s Been Up To: She’s been rather feisty and determined, but I suppose that comes with the territory of being practically two (a week from today, people…a week from today). Also, I noticed a funny/cute thing the other day. She was looking at a book that is full of pictures of different farm animals and I realized that she calls chickens “bock-bocks”, ducks “cak-caks”, and pigs “onk-onks”. My heart!

This Week in Pictures: 

She was putting her fingers in her ears and making random noises. I guess she discovered that she sounds different to herself when she does that.
Climbing on the table to get to her beloved books.
The beginning of the Little Free library. Paul started with a donated cabinet, which he primed.
Then he purchased some plywood to make a slanted roof. He also used some scrap wood as part of the roof.
He built some legs (and drilled holes in them so that he could stake the library into the ground with some heavy duty stakes. This also shows the first of many coats of paint.
He put on several coats of paint and also stained the legs (which you can see in the next picture). Then he spray lacquered the entire thing (after putting on the vinyl lettering which you can also see in the next picture).
He put some solar lights on it to light the area (since it’s sort of dark) and put on some lettering which was donated by another person in the neighborhood. It’s now installed at our neighborhood park.

All stocked with books (with some room to grow).
The first happy customer!
After taking Joseph to visit the Little Free Library, Paul took him around to see lights in the neighborhood. This house always does a different fun theme each year.
Joseph loves Christmas decorations!
Abigail showing me her singing puppy (and stalling for bedtime, haha).
Two little monkeys under the table!

Bonus Video: Joseph showing off the cool moves that one of his toys does. I love being able to just pop out my phone and record a fun moment in our lives!

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