Weekly Happenings: We had a pretty average week followed by a fun weekend. During the week, not too much out of the ordinary happened. On Saturday morning, I took the kids to the zoo (so Paul could work on homework and whatnot). Then, after Abigail woke up from her nap, we went to Bass Pro’s Shop (a favorite place for Joseph) and then grabbed ice cream on the way home. It was a pretty fun day.
The Weekly Weather: It’s been a mix of warm and cold. The mornings have been pretty chilly, but then it warms up. It sort of reminds me of California in that aspect.
What Paul’s Been Up To: Not too much, other than work, homework, and working around the house.
What Sarah’s Been Up To: Mainly just keeping the littles happy and healthy.
What Joseph’s Been Up To: He’s pluggin’ away at school and loves to help out at home (especially if it involves keeping Abigail happy).
What Abigail’s Been Up To: She has officially hit her ten-month mark (today, in fact) and decided to celebrate the occasion by starting to crawl (we refer to it as “Army-crawl”). It’s hard to believe she’s going to be one in just two months!
This Week in Pictures:

Bonus Video: Abigail (sort of) crawling (she’d been doing it more before):