Weekly Happenings: The most fun event of this past week was getting to celebrate Christmas as a family. It was so fun to see the kids enjoying their presents and it was a great opportunity to take some time to reflect on the gift of our Savior and His birth. I also took the kids to the zoo for some extra fun things (a carousel ride and a ride on the zoo train which had been transformed into the “Holiday Express”).
The Weekly Weather: It’s actually been acting like winter! I think yesterday was the only day that we didn’t wear jackets, and even then, it was still only in the 60s. It’s been nice. 🙂
What Paul’s Been Up To: He’s been enjoying this break from school. He has been soaking up family time, too, which has been really fun.
What Sarah’s Been Up To: Not much, other than keeping the kids occupied (especially Joseph, during the break from school).
What Joseph’s Been Up To: He’s been playing with some of his Christmas presents (a magic set and a new video game) and has also enjoyed getting some extra play time with Abigail.
What Abigail’s Been Up To: It’s more like what Abigail’s been IN to…she’s figured out that crawling on hands and knees is A LOT faster than the “low crawl” and she is FAST. I’ve resurrected the title “Commando Destructo” and have given it to her, haha. She had her one-year check up and is floating just under 20 lbs. and is almost 30 inches long.
This Week in Pictures:
The girls all dressed up for church on Christmas Eve.The boys in their matching ties.All ready for bed on Christmas Eve.Here it all is!Santa came and filled the stockings!I got new pots (stainless steel), some new cast iron skillets, and a new food processor…yay!Opening stockings (Joseph was pulling stuff out of Abigail’s for her).Unwrapping presents.More stocking fun.Trying to figure out how to get to her toy through the wrapping.Unwrapping his present from Uncle Jason, Aunt Saira, and Luna.He was so excited……because it was a magic kit!Playing with the empty boxes. As you can see, Paul got a circular saw. 🙂That’s just as fun as the toys, right?Checking out her new books.Playing with her new Cinderella carriage.I meant it when I said she was getting into everything…Playing his new video game.I love watching these two play together!I experimented with making bread dough, letting it rise once, forming it into rolls, and then freezing it. A couple of days later, I took them out to thaw……rise……and bake. Voila! Fresh rolls for Christmas dinner!Paul grilled the turkey…SO good!Our feast!A friend of mine (who has a daughter Joseph’s age) gave me this hat for Abigail. I love hand-me-downs!I went to a white elephant party for Relief Society just before Christmas. I ended up “stealing” this from someone else because I had a feeling the kids would love it, haha.I love this goofball!Riding the carousel at the zoo.Almost a normal family shot…almost, haha.Checking out the new hippo. A while back, one of the hippos unfortunately got sick and died. Right before Christmas, the zoo got a new hippo from another zoo in New Mexico.This new hippo happens to be the grandson of the hippo our zoo still has!“Roar!”Waiting for the train.They gave us jingle bells…sort of like a Polar Express thing.He wanted a close-up since I had gotten one of Abigail.There we got a normal shot!Ringing his jingle bell.Commando Destructo at it again!“Whatcha doin’, Brother?”“Seriously…that looks fascinating…can I see? Please?!”Trying to put on the hat by herself…