Weekly Happenings: This past week was spent mainly getting back into the swing of things after I got home from my trip to California. We didn’t do too much out of the ordinary. It was nice being back with the family and getting back into the routine of school, work, and so on.
The Weekly Weather: It was rainy one day, but the rest of the week was clear and warm.
What Paul’s Been Up To: Mainly just work, school, and maintaining the house and yards.
What Sarah’s Been Up To: Mainly just trying to get back into my routine.
What Joseph’s Been Up To: He’s enjoying school. He goes to the GT (gifted and talented) teacher a few times a week to do additional enrichment activities, which is good. He also enjoys hanging out at home and doing things to make Abigail laugh. He’s an awesome helper whenever I need him to be.
What Abigail’s Been Up To: She’s popped out another tooth (so that makes five so far) and is an altogether pleasant baby. We’re so blessed!
This Week in Pictures: