This past week was a busy one! Paul had to attend an LP meeting up in Tyler, which is sort of close to Dallas. He got a lot of two-lane country road driving in. I decided that it would be a good idea to go in and set up my classroom. We aren’t back on contracted time for prep week until next week, but I knew that we wouldn’t have much set-up time next week, so I decided to knock it out this week. Abigail finished up her round of antibiotics and earned her polar bear. She was super excited. Joseph has been practicing riding his bike farther distances so that he can build up his stamina. He hopes to be able to ride to and from school this year. It’s only about a mile, which on a bike is not that bad. He says it will be way better than walking.
This little guy (or gal, I suppose) was chillin’ on the hose as I went to unwind it in order to water. I much prefer a lizard to a snake, spider, or scorpion!He was very comfortable and let me zoom in real close.We made a deal that if she finished her round of antibiotics without fussin’ at me, she could earn a stuffie.Google Photos made this awesome version of the picture. I had to save it.Introducing her stuffie polar bear to her other IKEA stuffies.Paul had a lot of driving on roads like this to and from Tyler.This was the only load of classroom stuff I needed to move from our house to my classroom!This is what I started with on Monday. Luckily, since I was not moving rooms, the custodians said I could leave a lot of my stuff out and on the walls. That saved so much time.Student cubbies: I’m going to need all 24 this year.Some positive affirmation posters as well as my amazing classroom sign that was made by a dear friend.This is where I put up my new posters.My new and improved calm corner.The board that I use to display student work as well as the calendar and sticker store.My class library area. I decided this was a good area to put the “Cool kids read books” poster.This is the chair that I sit in when I have my entire class on the carpet. You can also see my supply unit that also houses the area where students turn in work and where I store the class games.My desk set up. I love having both a desk and a computer table. It makes it so I have so much more room for all my things!The *almost* finished room. I ended up moving a few things around and adding a couple more lamps in different places, but it isn’t much different.I really pushed myself on Monday. Six hours of set-up and over 12,000 steps!!!I found a unicorn version of Monopoly Jr. and Abigail had a blast playing it. She also wiped the floor with me. One perk of being on summer vacation is that I actually had time to make rolls. The house smelled divine. Thanks for teaching me to make bread, Momma!!