Weekly Happenings: Thankfully, this week was rather uneventful. Last week’s knocked out tooth incident was enough for the time being. I think the only thing that was out of the ordinary was that Paul took Thursday off (he had some use-it-or-lose-it time-off time) and the two of us took Abigail to the zoo. It was tiring (we’re trying to get her used to not wearing the puppy backpack/leash but still stay close to us) but still fun. I would add more, but there really isn’t anything else to add.
The Weekly Weather: The mornings have been really cold (30s) and the afternoons cool (50s-60s). Sunny for the most part (we did have a storm come through on Sunday, but that was about it).
What Paul’s Been Up To: He’s been working from home, which was nice. I was able to leave Abigail at home quite a bit while I ran Joseph to and from school and ran other short errands.
What Sarah’s Been Up To: I went to book club, which was fun as always. I also managed to tweak my back yet again (I seem to do it about once a year, it seems), so a trip to urgent care to get some prescription-strength Ibuprofen, some muscle relaxers, and a steroid shot was what we did today.
What Joseph’s Been Up To: He’s still plugging away at school. Wednesday was a half day (to let the teachers have some extra planning time), so he enjoyed the extra time off.
What Abigail’s Been Up To: She was her normal, cheerful, sassy self this week. One funny thing that happened this morning: she was playing in her room and the light bulb for her light happened to burn out. She told us her light needed new batteries.
This Week in Pictures: