Weekly Happenings: I think that we’ve hit the wall with summer, haha. We’re roughly halfway through summer vacation and it is showing. The kids are getting a bit stir crazy from not being on our normal schedule (and, admittedly, I am, too). We also need to factor in the fact that Abigail’s sleep habits have been…challenging as of late. At least once a week (but often more than that), she will wake up sad and one of us will need to be with her (either on the couch in the loft or on the extra toddler mattress on the floor in her room) until she falls back to sleep. I’m praying this is just a phase and we’ll get back to normal sleep patterns soon. Other than that, we’ve been doing pretty well. We went swimming at a friend’s pool one day and relaxed around the house on the other days (when we weren’t running regular errands).
The Weekly Weather: It’s been hotter than it has been, but that is to be expected as we move closer to August. I don’t think it even rained this week, which is a switch-up from what has been happening.
What Paul’s Been Up To: There hasn’t been much out of the ordinary for him this past week. It’s mainly been full of work, yard work, and then squeezing in chill time when the first two things are finally done.
What Sarah’s Been Up To: I’ve been busy keeping the kids occupied and with the piano students that are still coming throughout the summer. The number fluctuates week-to-week as students go on various vacations, so it’s been nice to have a little lighter of a schedule. I also went to my monthly book club meeting which was enjoyable as always.
What Joseph’s Been Up To: Video games, LEGO building, sister-watching, and play dates. Ah, summer. I think he’s secretly looking forward to going back to school, seeing his school mates, and getting back into a settled routine. He wouldn’t ever admit it, though.
What Abigail’s Been Up To: Basically she’s up to her usual cute stuff (one example: I made her a makeshift cape out of something in the dress-up bin and she immediately ran off, looking back as she ran, using her hands to hold out the fabric so that it would look like she was flying…she was pretty happy). She’s also been keeping me on my toes with her strong personality and very defined ideas as to just how some things should be done (or not done, which is probably more often the case). Ah the joys of toddler-hood.
This Week in Pictures: