Weekly Happenings: This past week, we got to go on a fun adventure. A good friend of mine who has since moved from San Antonio sent us a Flat Stanley to take around town. For those that are unfamiliar with the concept of Flat Stanley, here’s a brief explanation. There is a children’s book called Flat Stanley that is about a boy who gets flattened when a bulletin board falls on him. He uses this flatness to his advantage and mails himself to friends in different places so that he can visit with them. Elementary school teachers have since made Flat Stanley projects for their students where their students create a “Stanley” and mail it to friends and family. Then those people take Stanley all around and document Stanley’s visit with pictures. Once they do that, they mail Stanley back along with his new pictures and the students can create projects with all the different places their Stanley visited. We took Stanley to the Alamo (of course) and the zoo.
Weekly Weather: We’ve had some genuinely warm days (one day got up into the 80s), but mostly cool weather (not cold…just pleasant).
What Paul’s Been Up To: The AC in the van was acting up (blowing lukewarm air instead of cold), so he spent some time troubleshooting that (he changed the cabin air filter, which didn’t work, so he then added more refrigerant, which seems to have worked…so now we wait to see if it stays fixed or if it doesn’t, which might mean there’s a leak somewhere). He’s also been putting down all sorts of stuff in the lawn (weed stuff, insect stuff, etc.) since we’re already into February, which means spring is just around the corner.
What Sarah’s Been Up To: My back continues to improve, which I am very grateful for. I mainly did my normal stuff: errand running, kid wrangling, and piano teaching…with a bit of meal cooking and LIGHT cleaning tossed in (I don’t want to push myself too hard yet).
What Joseph’s Been Up To: He had a good week at school and we were able to meet up with friends at the park for a play date one afternoon after school. He did take a spill off of a skateboard (luckily he was on his belly, so he didn’t fall far) and split his lip, poor guy. He’s getting better, though.
What Abigail’s Been Up To: She’s been making the most of her pre-schooler life right now: tons of playing, looking at books, snuggling with Mom (and Dad, when she can get him), and the like. Her new favorite game is “Keep the Balloon Off the Floor”.
This Week in Pictures: