A Bunch of Busy Bees

This past week was pretty typical. When school is in session, we’re all pretty busy (Paul is busy all the time). I try my hardest to work hard through the week so that I don’t have to do any work on Sundays. It means a lot for the rest of the week, but making Sunday a true day of rest, which is nice. Abigail went to her first Primary Activity (an activity night for children 7/8-11 that happens twice a month) and loved it. Joseph is part of the Deacons still (12-13YO boys) and is in one of three quorums (which are groups) that we have. Our ward congregation is a pretty sizable group and there are a lot of children and youth.

With Sunday being a rest day from work, I decided to splurge and make homemade pizza for dinner. Abigail was super excited and sat there for a lot of the baking process.
First grade did a fun presentation where the kids all got to have a chance to share their personal narratives with everyone. They also got to enjoy popcorn and juice (Abigail liked the popcorn but not the juice…she’s rather…particular about juice). Her teacher shared this picture with me.
There was one day this past week (Friday, I believe) that was the 80th day of school. We were told to dress up in 80s attire. I knew there would be a lot of neon colors going on, so I decided to go the opposite direction. Plus, it gave me an excuse to get an 80s band shirt. 😉
Abigail already had this shirt, since she is a Care Bears fan (it’s funny how trends circle around), so she was excited to know that it would work for 80s day.
This kid cracks me up. He came in and randomly asked me how many hoodies I thought he had on. I guessed that there were three and was rewarded with this smile. He’s kinda my favorite 12YO.

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