My Happy (Even Though It’s HOT) Place

It’s been rather hot this past week. Instead of dwelling on that (for too long, at least), I decided I would focus on my different happy places. That’s what came to mind when I saw the pictures that were taken this week, at least…so here goes!

Happy Place: helping this one give her first talk in Primary. 🙂
Eh, Not-So-Happy Place: it got up to 110 degrees on our covered porch. Ew.
Happy Place: walking into Abigail’s room and finding out she decided Buc-ee was going to be a doctor.
Happy Place: getting to see her imagination just constantly on overdrive. She told me she wanted to be comfy but fancy, haha.
Happy (Albeit-Sorta-Sweaty) Place: taking a three mile walk/jog every day and getting to do a mid-walk break at the park in our subdivision.
Happy Place: The front porch right after an unexpected rain storm where I can see the beautiful post-storm sky.
Happy Place: this cozy scene that I get to see every day.
Happy Place: getting to see the new exterior lights that Paul put up today all lit up. They’re way better than the builder-grade ones that were up there before and they have an outlet on the side of them that will make it easier to plug in Christmas lights.
Happy Place: I’m so grateful for our home!
Abigail drew pictures for a story and then told me what to write. 🙂

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