Thanksgiving and Some Pre-Christmas Fun

This past week was much better. We all had the week off, which was nice to be able to relax. We slept in, hung around the house, went to see the zoo Christmas lights, had a friend over for Thanksgiving dinner, and decorated for Christmas. It’s been a nice week!

A Fresh Start

This past week was quite a bit better than the week previous. Paul and I did both end up needing to go into urgent care because we both had coughs and sore throats. We had a bacterial throat infection, but got some good antibiotics. I think we’re both on the mend. Abigail finished up her […]

And I Thought Last Week Was Rough

I thought last week was rough when Abigail got sick. I had no idea! Her fever wasn’t getting better and her cough was getting worse, so I took her back in to urgent care. The doctor that saw us figured that the bacteria was resistant to the amoxicillin, so he prescribed a different antibiotic (cefdinir). […]