A Bit of Random

I kind of threw off my schedule by doing separate posts for Abigail’s birthday and for Christmas, so here are a few other pictures from yesterday and today to play catch-up:

Christmas 2020

Well, 2020 was definitely a year for the books. There was a lot that wasn’t good (with the global COVID-19 pandemic), but so much of it was still wonderful. Christmas was a big part of the wonderful. Here’s our Christmas 2020 run-down: Paul: new shoes, a new wallet, a couple of gift cards (Lowe’s and […]

All About Abigail

December 22nd was Abigail’s 4th birthday! A little about her at age four: Some of her favorites are: unicorns, Frozen, anything Halloween, and the Hulk. She’s a good eater as long as carbs and cheese are present (and as long as her veggies are seasoned appropriately), and loves fruit snacks (only the red and pink […]