Weekly Happenings: This past week was rather interesting. Monday was a holiday (Martin Luther King Jr. Day). Then Tuesday, a cold front came swooping in, taking the form of an ice storm. The entire city pretty much shut down. Joseph didn’t have to go to school and Paul didn’t have to go to work. The ice pretty much stuck around all day, so we just stayed home to stay out of it all. The rest of the week after that seemed to get back to normal rather quickly, but it was quite the way to start the week!
The Weekly Weather: Sunday and Monday were really nice (60s-70s), Tuesday was, well, kind of gross (it didn’t get out of the 20s for the entire day), and then the rest of the week was pretty normal (50s). This is why we can never pack away a certain type of clothing. We end up using short sleeves and long sleeves all in the same week, haha.
What Paul’s Been Up To: He’s been pluggin’ away at work and at school. Not much else to report on that front.
What Sarah’s Been Up To: Mainly just keeping the small fry happy and entertained (especially during the coldest days).
What Joseph’s Been Up To: He enjoyed having two days off of school (the holiday and the “ice” day), but also enjoyed going back to school to see his friends.
What Abigail’s Been Up To: Here’s where the title to this blog post comes from: she’s figured out how to pull herself up into a standing position! At first, she was trying to stand tippie-toe, but I’ve been working with her to stand flat-footed and now she’s doing it more and more on her own.
This Week in Pictures: