This week was another pretty uneventful week. The weekend? Well, we’ll get to that.
The weather has been pretty warm (high 90s-low/mid 100s), so we haven’t really done too much out of the house. We ventured once to the park (early in the morning), but had to leave before too long because it was getting uncomfortable. Here are some pictures of the park and hanging around the house:

Friday night, we decided to go to a place for dinner because we had some gift cards that our Realtor had given us as a housewarming gift. It’s called Logan’s Roadhouse. The atmosphere was really fun, and the food was really good. Here’s a picture Paul got of me and Joseph:

Now…for the crazy Saturday. It was great until right before nap time. Paul had just set Joseph down in the loft when he (Joseph, that is) decided to run, at top speed, across the loft. I’m not really sure why, but he didn’t stop in time, and ran straight into the edge of Paul’s desk. He got a pretty deep cut directly under his left eye. Paul was able to get the bleeding under control and a Band Aid on it, and I was able to get him calmed down enough to take his nap, but when he got up from his nap and it was still bleeding, we decided it was time for a trip to Urgent Care (enter the part where I’m really grateful for something in Texas that we didn’t have in California: a bunch of different medical clinics and small Urgent Cares that aren’t attached to a major hospital, and most are open 24/7). We went to one that was about 5 miles from our house, and they were able to see him right away. They were able to give him a topical anesthetic (as opposed to having to inject the anesthetic) via holding gauze which was soaked in the anesthetic over the cut for a certain amount of time. Then came the fun part *sarcasm*: they wrapped him in a sheet with me holding his legs, Paul holding his torso, and the nurse holding his head, while the doctor put two stitches in. He didn’t like this one bit, and let us know, quite loudly. He calmed down pretty quickly after we let him free, and stopped crying all together (mid-cry, in fact) as soon as he saw that he was going to get to take a small toy home (he chose a little plastic knight that we think he has started calling either “Silverman” or “Superman” (it’s hard to tell exactly what he’s saying). We took him home to relax after that. We have to go back on Thursday to see if the stitches can come out yet. Thankfully they’ll be open, even on a holiday. We really lucked out with the place that we went to.

Here are some pictures that Paul took while at church today:

And since I always like to leave things on a positive note, here are two videos that Paul was able to get earlier in the week: