Some Spooky Fun

Weekly Happenings: This week started off as any other week but ended on a fun note with the ward trunk-or-treat on Thursday. I thought I had the kids’ costumes all ironed out, but then I went to try to put on Abigail’s Pikachu costume on (which looked like it should still fit), only to find that I couldn’t fasten it around her diaper and it was a good two inches too short (last year it was too big…go figure). So, on the way to the trunk-or-treat, we stopped by Wal-mart and got both her and Joseph new costumes (when Joseph found out Abigail was getting a new costume, he asked for one as well). Abigail was Vampirina (that cute cartoon vampire girl on Disney Channel) and Joseph was Shazam (his favorite superhero who isn’t as well known as the rest, so I was surprised to find a costume for him). We ate chili and macaroni and cheese, played games, and Joseph collected candy (Abigail opted to stay in the cultural hall and dance along to the music the DJ was playing). It was a fun night.

The Weekly Weather: It’s been mild but we did have one cold front move in (which is why we had the trunk-or-treat inside, since the cold front was coming in at the tail end of a thunderstorm) that dropped the temperature a good twenty degrees in two hours. We’re warmer today but are supposed to get another cold front on Halloween (yay!).

What Paul’s Been Up To: Not too much out of the ordinary for him. He’s been busy with work, church stuff, and home stuff.

What Sarah’s Been Up To: Not too much on my part, either. I did go to book club, which was fun as always. 🙂

What Joseph’s Been Up To: He had fun at school doing some fun activities for science class. They made salt dough and then used it to make landforms…which they then painted. I love that his teacher has them do hands-on activities instead of just learning facts from books.

What Abigail’s Been Up To: The main thing of note for this week is that she has discovered she can reach the light switches in the house, but only to flip on the lights. Once the switch is on, she can’t reach high enough to turn it off, which has led to me constantly discovering random lights on when I know I didn’t turn them on (except in the living room…she can reach that one by standing on the couch, so she likes to flip that one on and off like a strobe light, haha).

This Week in Pictures:

The other Buc-ee’s shirt I found for Abigail when I was on my way up to Waco earlier this month. The front says, “Duck, Duck, Beaver”.
The back has a beaver tail. 😀
October is a lot more fun when you add bat earrings.
A close-up of my Halloween nails. I love the gradual shift from black to red.
She needed her friend to join her for lunch.
After lunch they cozied up to watch a show…
…and then her friend needed to come along to get Joseph from school (luckily Abigail wasn’t upset when Joseph had to put the bear in-between the seats so he could actually sit in his seat).
Painting his salt-dough landforms.
His class also does yoga stretches every morning to get them ready to learn. 🙂
Playing Whack-o-lantern.
She loved this game.
She crashed while waiting for Joseph to get out of school and didn’t even wake up when I got her out of her car seat.
My sweet angel baby!

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