Playtime Fun!

Walking with Daddy
Walking with Daddy

Our week started off with trying a new way to take our walks around the neighborhood. Joseph has a back pack that looks like a puppy (it’s a hand-me-down from Aaron and Tara). It straps on and has a really long tail that acts as a leash. We strapped him into it and decided to see how it went. He loved it! I think he loved the new sense of freedom that it created. 🙂


Here’s our little Superman! He certainly is my superhero…he makes me laugh, makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside, and makes me want to always strive to be a better mom. I love this little man!

He loves hats!
He loves hats!

I found the hat that Joseph wore last summer and decided that I needed to see if it still fit, or if we needed to buy him another one. Not only did it still fit, but he didn’t want to take it off! 🙂 I love that he always seems to have a smile at the ready. He makes my life so much fun!

The finished product.
The finished product.
Daddy and Joseph breaking in the new play area.
Daddy and Joseph breaking in the new play area.

The last half of the week, Paul’s evenings (and all of Saturday) were pretty jam-packed. He was able to order the supplies (including a ton of sand…no, really…forty 50-pound bags) and assemble the play area that he’s been planning out. It turned out SO great! Joseph loves playing with the sand toys, but isn’t too keen about the walking on the sand quite yet (or touching it, for that matter…he doesn’t mind scooping it, though). We know that will come in time, though.

Happy St. Patty's Day!
Happy St. Patty’s Day!

Our St. Patrick’s Day was pretty low-key. We got up and pretty much did our normal Sunday stuff. It was pretty fun to go to church and see a lot of green on everybody. We made corned beef and cabbage in the crock pot and had some friends over for dinner. It was so much fun! They have two children: a boy about Joseph’s age and a sweet almost-brand-new baby girl.

Piano buddies
Piano buddies
Pounding on the keys is so much fun!
Pounding on the keys is so much fun!

The two little boys had so much fun playing with the piano. It’s so awesome having so many great families so close to us. We’ve been able to make friends quickly and are really starting to feel like San Antonio is home. 🙂




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