Picture Overload

Get ready for picture overload! I was too tired last Sunday to do a post, and it just didn’t happen during the week. Paul actually took more pictures than I did, which was good. 🙂 The high note two weeks ago was that we were able to finish Joseph’s occupational therapy. He’s met all the goals that we set for him (and has even excelled in some areas). He no longer pockets food in his mouth, he doesn’t gag on solid food, and he’s been eating table food for over two months now. I’m so proud of our little man! The low note for two weeks ago was that Joseph fell off the piano bench and bit his tongue quite severely. We didn’t realize how bad it was since he wouldn’t let us look at it. It bled quite a bit, but then Paul was able to get it to stop. Early this past week, we took him into the doctor because he had a fever that just wouldn’t quit. We found out that he had a double ear infection and strep throat (poor baby!), so he is still on antibiotics for that. The doctor looked at his tongue at the appointment and that was when we realized how deep of a cut it was. It was really deep! She said to keep an eye on it and to come in if it looked infected (though she said that the antibiotic would probably help keep it from getting infected). We got home that evening and Paul and I were so worried that we decided that it would be best for Paul to give Joseph a blessing. He gave it to him right before he went to sleep. That was the first night in over a week that Joseph slept all the way through the night without coughing, and his tongue looks like it is healing up nicely. I try to always remember to never underestimate the power of the Priesthood as well as the power of faith. Joseph’s appetite is returning, and he’s pretty much back to being the crazy, sweet, happy, loving boy that we’re used to. I’m going to have the doctor look at his tongue when he goes in for his 2-year visit (in a month and a half…wow, where did the time go?!) to make sure that it healed properly and that he doesn’t need to have corrective surgery (in case there’s too much of a bump). Other than those crazy things happening, our two weeks have been pretty much the norm. Joseph surprises us every day with new phrases and actions and we naturally think that he’s the smartest, funniest, and cutest thing in the world. 🙂 Okay! Here’s the picture overload:

We spent some evenings at the park:

Walking with Daddy at the park
Walking with Daddy at the park
Falling behind because he's looking for sticks to carry
Falling behind because he’s looking for sticks to carry
Coming to show Daddy his treasures
Coming to show Daddy his treasures

We spent a lot of time just relaxing at home:

He actually said, "One, two, three, go! Cheese!" I don't think we've ever told him to say, "cheese".
He actually said, “One, two, three, go! Cheese!” I don’t think we’ve ever told him to say, “cheese”.
Relaxing on the soft pillow
Relaxing on the soft pillow
Big grin
Big grin
Playing with his toys
Playing with his toys

One sign I knew he was feeling better was when his appetite returned with a vengeance. This is after he had downed a bowl full of rotini noodles with spaghetti sauce:

Spaghetti sauce face!
Spaghetti sauce face!

Sometimes he doesn’t want his picture taken…either that, or he’s trying to get a hold of Paul’s phone, lol:

No photos, please!
No photos, please!

Yesterday was the day that we were assigned to help clean the church. Joseph loved it when I let him use this duster. He even tried to help by “dusting” things. 🙂

Helping to clean the chuch
Helping to clean the church

Joseph loves when we go to the car wash (when we bought the van, we were able to arrange for a year’s worth of free car washes from a car wash place) because he gets to see a lot of cars. This time there was a bonus, because I forgot that I’d left his goldfish crackers in my purse, along with one of his toy cars. Mommy was a super hero that afternoon!

Eating goldfish
Eating goldfish

Paul was able to get some shots of Joseph at church today. I love how handsome he is in his shirt and tie!

Always needs Mickey by his side!
Always needs Mickey by his side!
Waiting for nursery to start
Waiting for nursery to start

Finally, a video that Paul was able to get two weeks ago. Joseph was hitting single notes on the piano and singing along to the notes. We tried to get him to do it again while we were recording and this was the result, lol:

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