Out and About

Weekly Happenings: Things have slowly started opening up again, so the kids and I took advantage of the slightly cooler weather to go to the zoo one day this week. Yesterday I decided to take them to the Japanese Tea Gardens and then to the zoo again (I love having passes!), since the weather was still so nice. We also had a small play date with a few friends. It was definitely a more fun-filled week than the past few weeks.

The Weekly Weather: We had one day that was horrendously hot. Even though it was only 97, the heat index was recorded as being 107 degrees. High humidity and dew point makes it feel just feel gross. Luckily, the rest of the week was cooler and not quite as humid (or maybe it was just as humid, but the drop in temperature made it feel better).

What Paul’s Been Up To: He was busy at work. He also got his temporary crown on his broken tooth, so now he just has to wait for his permanent crown to be done so that he can get that put in. This morning, he went and cut down some tree limbs that were hanging over into someone’s yard (the land on the other side of the fence is HOA-owned, so that’s why Paul took care of it). He also discovered when mowing our lawn that one of our fence posts will need replacing. I guess the wind from that night that the tornado came through did get part of our fence after all. The joys of home ownership. 😉

What Sarah’s Been Up To: I’ve pretty much already mentioned what I’ve been up to. 🙂

What Joseph’s Been Up To: He enjoyed getting out of the house. We’ll need to do that more often now that things are starting to open up again. He also has figured out that he can use one of his books (a handbook of all the Yo-kai characters) to help him do better at his Yo-kai game. Way to research, kid. 😉

What Abigail’s Been Up To: She REALLY enjoyed getting out of the house. Oh, and one cute thing she said: she was looking at her pink quilt that my mom had made for her and she asked me who made it. I told her that her grandma made it. For the next few days, every time she saw it, she would say, “This is my beautiful butterfly blanket. My grandma made it for ME!” She has also started saying that she “can’t want it” when we’re asking her to do something or eat something she doesn’t want to. It’s frustratingly funny.

This Week in Pictures:

I lost track of Abigail one day and found her hiding in our new cabinet. 🙂
Playing with her toys. She really likes that she can get into any of the bins that she wants to, without having to move a bunch of stuff around.
When we went to IKEA, we got Abigail some play food and also a bunny. She was enjoying giving the bunny carrots and lettuce.
He was recording his sister. These are such fun ages.
They really do love each other a lot.
The zoo had a bunch of LEGO animals and insects. It was so cool to see!
One of those then and now pictures. It’s amazing how much they’ve grown in the past year!
A LEGO butterfly and flower.
A LEGO hummingbird and flower.
Checking out the giraffes.
We love the elephants.
One of Abigail’s favorites…
…the hippos!
On the zoo train.
I startled this guy off of one of my plants. They have such neat colors!
My mint. I love these pots. They look like wood and metal barrels, but they are resin, so they hold up a lot better.
At the Japanese Tea Gardens.
I love this waterfall!
An overall view of the gardens, The kids loved getting to see koi fish in the ponds.
We don’t always get to see all three elephants out.
Abigail loved this bird!
One other LEGO creation: a lion!
I was getting ready to vacuum and Joseph asked if he could do it…uh, you don’t have to ask me twice, kid!
It’s fun to have pretty nails every once in a while! I love these nail polish stickers. They make it so easy to have pretty nails!
This is Abigail’s pelican that she got from the zoo. She loves this thing!

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