Weekly Happenings: This week started off with Mother’s Day. I started the day off rather early because Abigail hadn’t slept well the night before. We had a regular breakfast since we had 9:00 church, but Paul handled lunch and dinner, which was a nice break. I got a new casserole dish (enameled cast iron) and a fun card from Joseph. On Tuesday, Abigail and I got to Walmart and have them do an oil change and replace a tire. When I was picking Joseph up from school on Monday, the low tire pressure light came on. I couldn’t see any issues, so I made a mental note to talk to Paul about it. Well, I forgot until we were getting into the car to run to the library that evening. A quick glance showed that one of the tires was possibly a little low, but again, there was nothing apparent causing it. Later, we stopped at Walmart to grab something and the tire’s pressure was super low. I pulled around to the auto center and even though they had already closed, they were nice enough to put air in it so that we could get home. Once we got home, Paul took a longer look, spied a screw, and got to have the fun job of taking the tire off and putting on the spare so that I could take it into Walmart to either get patched or replaced. Since the screw was right on the edge of the sidewall and the rest of the tire around it looked rather worn, they recommended replacing it. After that adventure, the rest of the week was rather average.
The Weekly Weather: warm, humid, muggy, rainy at times…pretty typical for May, actually. I’ll say this for the rain, though: it’s doing a good job of keeping us from getting into the really warm temperatures. For that, I am grateful!
What Paul’s Been Up To: Work, keeping up with the yards (now that warm temperatures are here, the grass is growing more), and being an awesome daddy and husband.
What Sarah’s Been Up To: Piano teaching, keeping kids happy, the whole lot. I’ve also fought a cold for most of the week, but am starting to feel better. I’m almost 100% today. Oh, and today I got to go to the temple and do a session with a few of my Relief Society sisters. That made for a great morning. One extra awesome thing that happened at the temple: I had been looking at my temple dress and thinking I might need to get a new one (my dress is almost 18 years old and starting to show its age). I was talking to my friend and I told her that I thought her dress was beautiful. She then looked me square in the eye and asked me if I wanted it. It didn’t fit her correctly anymore, so she had ordered a new one, but hadn’t decided what to do with the old one. It’s still in amazing condition and fits me perfectly! Tender mercies.
What Joseph’s Been Up To: He’s excited that he only has three weeks of school left. We’re getting ready for end-of-the-year awards, parties, and the like. I’m kind of looking forward to the break. It’ll be nice to not have to be so regimented with our schedule.
What Abigail’s Been Up To: She’s starting to say more three- and four-word phrases. One example of this is when we were in the car, getting ready to go to the library, she noticed that Paul had gone back into the house for something. She said, “Oh no! Daddy gone!” Another time, she climbed onto our big, long bench, got herself settled, and then yelled (in a very animated way, with flailing arms), “Get me DOWN!” (I think I remember seeing something similar on one of her favorite episodes of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse). She is very animated, to be sure. Upon seeing flowers in a vase on the table, she attempted to surreptitiously crawl across the table to get a closer look. When caught and told to get down, she settled for a lean and a HUGE sniff. Oh, and she has figured out she can tickle me by saying, “Tickle, tickle!” while poking at my toes. She keeps us laughing for sure!
This Week in Pictures:

Bonus Video! Abigail and the tickle attack: