I thought things were busy before…but the last few weeks of school are proving to be craaaaaaaazy busy. There are projects, fun activities to plan, testing to finish, data entry, grades, class parties, awards ceremonies…I better stop before I start to hyperventilate, haha. I’m trying to think of what we did last week, but I’m having trouble properly formulating my thoughts. I think I’ll just caption my pictures and get a summary that way.
Paul made a cover to sit on top of our stove. This is before it was stained……and this is after. He made it from poplar and the grain is absolutely beautiftul.I really like the handles as well. Texas stars for the win!I think this picture is from…Wednesday. I had drawn the piranha plant with the word “test” to give my students a fun graphic for “chomping” the “test” (they finished up STAAR on Tuesday), but I didn’t want to erase it (I was proud of it!), so I turned it into a school days left count down. It doesn’t count weekends, but still…it’s hard to believe that my time with my kiddos has gone so fast! Abigail is a child who sometimes feels like she isn’t heard or seen. Maybe it’s because she’s the youngest, or maybe it’s because I’m working full-time, or maybe it’s because she sometimes has a hard time expressing what she wants, but when she feels overwhelmed, she tends to have meltdowns (especially at school when there is so much going on and it’s already a bit of a stimulus-overload to begin with). Last week, she had three days in a row with no meltdowns, so I took that kid out for frozen yogurt. We can do hard things and be seen. I’m going to keep trying to reward the positive and maybe we’ll have less of the negative. Another countdown day: “‘M’ is for mustache”. She didn’t want me to draw a mustache on her. She wanted a mustache on a stick (a Luigi from Super Mario Bros. mustache, to be exact). Luckily I had coffee stirrer sticks and foam left over from some class projects. So, I was attempting to take a picture of one of my newer shirts……and this bundle of awesome came bouncing up (not a figure of speech…she bounces. a lot.) asking to be in the picture. Who could say no to that?! Not me, that’s for sure.Mother’s Day 2023: The little “What I Love About Mom” book is one with fill-in-the-banks and Joseph wrote down his and Abigail’s answers. My heart! There was also flowers, chocolate, chocolate-covered strawberries, a coloring book (it really is a stress-reliever, y’all), and……this necklace. It has their names and their birthstone colors. I had one of my favorite breakfasts this morning: Greek yogurt with berries and granola. I love it when berry season rolls around! I was looking for a picture to use for an art project I’m doing with my students and I came across this gem of me and my best friend, Tracie, that is probably 25 years old. You better believe this is the one I chose to use.This is the art project my class is going to do. We’re going to display the shields at promotion.