Love Day and SUCH a Big Helper!

This past week was pretty typical when one considers our new normal. I’m getting settled in my classroom and slowly getting more used to the workload (and all. the. technology.). This past week held Valentine’s Day, which was fun at school (with the kids getting to exchange Valentines and me getting goodies from staff and students) and at home. Paul surprised me with a little bear, flowers, and chocolate, he got Joseph some candy, and he got Abigail flowers, a little bear, and some chocolate. Abigail’s flowers and the bears were part of a fundraiser at DLI, which he always tries to support. He also made dinner: venison tenderloin (from the deer he split with the guy he went hunting with a little while ago), roasted potatoes, and veggies. It was sooo good! Now for the story about my big helper. There was one day at school that Abigail got her clothes dirty while at recess. She asked to go to the bathroom and decided she would change her clothes (all kinders have a change of clothes in their backpacks). Then, she decided she’d help ME by washing her clothes…in the sink in the bathroom (thank goodness she chose the sink and not the toilet, haha). She said she tried to dry them, but the paper towels didn’t work, so she put them in the plastic bag that was originally holding her clean change of clothes. She did this all in about five minutes and presented her very surprised teacher with a bag full of sopping wet clothes. Her teacher said that she couldn’t even get upset because it was so transparent that Abigail was trying super-hard to solve her own problem. I couldn’t get upset because, well, what would be the point? It was already done, haha. I did tell her that next time she needed to just change and we would work together at home to wash and dry the clothes! She’s exhaustively entertaining.

My pretty Valentine’s flowers!
Goodies from my students. 🙂
One of the other fifth grade teachers gave me this cup filled with chocolate. She knows what we need to get through the day, haha.
Abigail needed to take a picture with her bear. The bear came with a little heart balloon, which she had to share with Grogu (the other balloon is one that she picked out a week or so ago when she went with me to run errands). Six might be one of my favorite ages.
This is Abigail’s art that she made last month (they’ve been on display in the classroom). It’s a snow owl. I think the smile is my favorite. 🙂

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