Weekly Happenings: This week was pretty much the quintessential definition of “lazy summer days”. We didn’t really go anywhere (well, one morning we did scoot over to the zoo) or do anything (other than avoid the heat at all costs). It was rather nice.
The Weekly Weather: I’m not sure why I keep this as part of my posts during the summer…it doesn’t really change much: hot, humid, bug-filled…ha.
What Paul’s Been Up To: He’s still pluggin’ away with school. The end really is in sight, though. He just has a few more weeks and he’s done! It keeps him busy along with work, of course.
What Sarah’s Been Up To: I’ve mainly been keeping the kiddos entertained. My calling (assignment) at church; secretary for the Relief Society (women’s organization) presidency keeps me busy, too.
What Joseph’s Been Up To: He’s been soaking up sleeping in, playing, and all the other lazy summer days things.
What Abigail’s Been Up To: She rocked her first day in nursery at church this past Sunday, even though she fell out of her chair and destroyed 3 paper water cups (consequently we’ve been practicing chair-sitting and she’ll just bring her sippy cup into nursery tomorrow).
This Week in Pictures: