I’m Beginning to Sense a Pattern

I’m beginning to sense a pattern. I don’t think we’re in a rut, per se…just choosing to take it easy for a while. This week was another laid-back type of a week. Oh, one cute thing happened on Sunday that I forgot to write about in last week’s blog post: Joseph and I went with Paul as he went home teaching. The family has a little girl about Joseph’s age, and she spent some of the time that we were there chasing Joseph around and tickling him. It was SO funny! He loves being chased, first of all, and second of all, when she would tickle him, he’d get all silly and scrunch up his shoulders and try to edge away from her (but just a bit…I think he liked it when she tickled him, lol). We couldn’t help but laugh at how cute it was. Now back to this week!

Monday we went to Sea World for about an hour in the evening, which was really fun, as usual. Joseph loves being able to look at the animals, as well as all the people that are there. I think we’ve decided that next year, we’re going to get passes to the zoo, because while it’s not as close as Sea World, it’s still relatively close (about 30 minutes away), there are (obviously) a lot more animals to see (which is what Joseph likes the most), and passes are quite a bit cheaper. We didn’t do much else because we needed to give Joseph some down-time to heal a bit. He’s handled this injury like a trooper!

Happy boy in spite of everything
Happy boy in spite of everything…you can sort of see how swollen his eye got…luckily it didn’t bruise up a whole lot
Mickey and Pluto make it so much better
Mickey and Pluto make it so much better

Thursday, we had a bit of a full day. In the morning, we went back to the Urgent Care to get them to take Joseph’s stitches out (another sheet-wrapping ordeal since he understandably didn’t want to hold still for them to take out the stitches), we went to Target for a few things (where we found some cool Spiderman Band Aids to use for his face since it was bleeding a bit and we also wanted to protect his face for the first day at least), and then we stopped to pick up a few dollars worth of fireworks to set off later in the evening.

Stitches out and a Band Aid on the owie to protect it for the first day
Stitches out and a Band Aid on the owie to protect it for the first day

After a relaxing afternoon and a BBQ with just us (which was nice), we ended up going across the street to set off fireworks with our neighbors (who happen to be in our ward). Joseph had a lot of fun playing with their two kids, and he wasn’t scared of the fireworks like we thought he might be (of course, none of them were super loud). The really loud ones weren’t set off until quite a bit later, when it was dark. They were so loud (and so cool), I was afraid they’d wake up Joseph, but he slept through the night without a problem. One thing I love about living outside of city limits is that there were so many backyard shows. All I needed to do was look out my bedroom window and I got to enjoy pretty fireworks from the comfort of my bed. 🙂

Playing with a (used up) Roman Candle
Playing with a (used up) Roman Candle
Helping Daddy clean up the used fireworks
Helping Daddy clean up the used fireworks

One nice thing about the holiday is that Paul got Thursday and Friday off. He also has tomorrow off, but he’ll have Mondays off for a while due to budget cuts because of the sequestration. Hopefully when the new fiscal year starts in September, they won’t have to do furlough days (or at least not as many). After this 5-day “weekend”, Joseph might be one sad little dude come Tuesday when Daddy has to go back to work…Mommy will be sad, too…but that will be because I’ve already gotten used to having him home helping me out all day, as opposed to only being able to help out when he’s home in the evenings 😉 Saturday

Saturday was the one-week mark since Joseph’s (literal) run-in with the desk, so I thought I’d take a picture to show how quickly it’s healing. Saturday was also a fun day because we went to a couple of different farmers’ markets (and got some really good home-made bread) and the table and chairs we bought for Joseph came in. Now he has a place that is his size that he can use to color, play with cars, or just sit and hang out (which he did a lot of on Saturday). We’re really pleased with the quality of what we got.

One week later...stitches are out and you can hardly see the owie
One week later…stitches are out and you can hardly see the owie…baby faces are amazing in that aspect
Coloring with Daddy
Coloring with Daddy
Also good for playing with cars
The table also makes a good place for playing with cars

All-in-all, a great week!

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