Hey, June…when did YOU get here?!

Weekly Happenings: This past week was pretty average. I got the oil in the van changed, taught piano, got visiting teaching stuff figured out, etc. Saturday was my combined recital (my piano students and my friend Aili’s voice students). It went really well. Many people came up to us afterward and said they really liked hearing both types of music. I think we’ll do it that way again! 🙂

Weekly Weather: It seems that with the commencement of the month of June, we’re done with the rain for a while at least, and the warm weather is here for good. Having said that, it’s been a pretty mild June. I think the warmest we’ve been temperature-wise is in the low 90s. Not bad, at all!

What Paul’s Been Up To: Work and school (he just finished midterms) as usual. He’s also working with the Sunday School presidency (of which he is the first counselor) to plan the 4th of July ward party.

What Sarah’s Been Up To: Now that my recital is finished and my visiting teaching organizing is taken care of for the month, I can devote more time to getting my choir stuff learned (singing and directing are two WAY different things, I am learning). There are times when I feel stretched a bit thin, but I know Heavenly Father will not give me anything that I can’t handle, so I need to remember to put my trust in Him, and it will all get done. 🙂

What Joseph’s Been Up To: Showing me love…in his own way: the other night before I left him in his bed to go to sleep, he told me, in a very sweet voice, that he loved me…and then in that same sweet voice, he said “fist bump” and held up a little fist that I could bump and do the “Bah-la-la-la-la” sound from that move, Big Hero 6.

This Week in Pictures: I’m also throwing in a couple of pictures that Paul’s boss’s husband got of us at the work picnic two weeks ago.

Walking along at the picnic. People got a kick out of the boys’ “matching” shirts. 🙂
Our little man is full of silliness, as usual. 😉
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Joseph’s first taste of watermelon. Believe it or not, he hadn’t had it before (he always declined when we offered). He really liked it (it was a really good watermelon) and said, “this is the best watermelon night, ever!”
My four o’ clocks. They only open in the late afternoon (hence their name), so if you aren’t there at the right time, you miss it.
We were able to pick some blackberries!!
Joseph’s first “family portrait”. We’re the orange blobs. 😀
Playing preschool games on Paul’s nook. He loves to snuggle down in the pillows on our bed to do so.
Pool time!
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I love everything about this picture. It’s more than a little boy having fun. It reminds me a lot of my childhood, actually. It also shows the effort that (mostly) Paul and (occasionally) I put into the back yard to have a nice place for Joseph to play and grow up. I feel so blessed to have Paul’s help to be able to provide Joseph with such a great childhood!
We stopped by a yard sale and found this little table (the legs are folded up in this picture) that Joseph can use to build with his Mega Bloks. Best $3.00, ever!

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