Weekly Happenings: The main thing that happened this past week was that Joseph received an award at school. The students at his school focus on eight different keys of excellence (or something like that). One of those keys is commitment, which is what Joseph’s teacher picked him for. Tuesday night was the assembly for the awards. It was new to us that the assembly happened at night, instead of during the day, but it was nice that our entire family could attend. Joseph was pretty excited to get his certificate and medal. Other than that, it was a pretty average week with a visit to the library to trade books and just hanging around the house.
The Weekly Weather: Mostly warm, but the past few days have been pretty chilly. It’s crazy how much it’s been flip-flopping. People on the Internet joke that Texas is trying to experience all of the seasons in one week, haha.
What Paul’s Been Up To: Mainly his main things: work and school. He did make a shirt for Joseph for the 100th day of school. Joseph was supposed to wear a shirt with 100 of something on it (a lot of the kids did eyeballs, stickers, etc.). Paul found a picture of 100 different Pokémon, printed it onto iron-on paper, and put it on a white shirt. Joseph was pretty stoked. It turned out well enough that Joseph will be able to wear it more than once, which is always a plus in my book. 🙂
What Sarah’s Been Up To: I have been mainly taking care of the tiny humans…but I did go to a Relief Society activity on Wednesday. Each person brought a brown bag with three things in it that best described them and then we had to try to guess which items belonged to which people. It was a lot of fun. I also had my six week post-partum check up and they did another glucose test to ensure I no longer have diabetes (sometimes it doesn’t go away after pregnancy). I’ll find out in a couple of weeks what the results are, I believe. I left both kids at home with Paul during the testing since it was a two hour one. It was weird to be just by myself for that long. I’m glad he got some Daddy-Abigail time, though. I think I may have been monopolizing her a bit. When Joseph was born, Paul left for the Middle East so soon afterwards, I was solo with Joseph from almost the beginning of that first ten months. I think I’m sort of still in that mindset with Abigail, even though he’s home this time around. I need to be better about giving him time with her.
What Joseph’s Been Up To: He’s been enjoying life at school. He wears his medal from his award quite a bit around the house (though he will pretend that it’s a myriad of different things), which I think is pretty cute. He loved that this past week contained the 100th day of school because they got to do extra fun things at school. They also did some fun things with groundhogs since this past week also contained Groundhog’s Day. I really love the program that he’s in. He gets exposure to different subjects and learning, but they do a lot of fun things as well. It’s sort of how kindergarten used to be, which I think is really good for him to get to experience.
What Abigail’s Up To: She’s even more smiley than last week. I was holding her and I made a funny noise to see if I could get her attention. She looked very seriously at me and then cracked a huge grin. It makes my day when I get to see one of those, since they are so brief. She has also hit the six-week mark. It’s hard to believe that in a couple of weeks I’ll be taking her in for her two month check-up. Craziness!
This Week in Pictures: