Weekly Happenings: This past week didn’t hold many adventures that were out of the ordinary (just ordinary adventures, haha). Other than our typical stuff that we do, I took the kids to a park to meet up with friends before they move overseas for work, and Paul took the day off on Friday so he could meet with a flooring guy about installing wood flooring in our house (replacing the carpet downstairs and on the stairs themselves…we’re going to leave the carpet upstairs and just replace it at some point, just not this year) and take the Mazda in for its 60,000 mile maintenance needs (oil change, etc.). I sure was grateful that he was able to do that. Hauling both kids to Walmart to wait a minimum of 45 minutes did not sound appealing at all. I sure married a great guy! Also, we switched back to Daylight Saving Time last night. It’ll be interesting trying to put the kids to bed while it’s still potentially light out. Maybe this is why the kids have spring break this next week…the schools wanted to give us a week to recover from it all, haha.
The Weekly Weather: Spring sure has sprung down here, even though the official day isn’t until next week. We’ve had both sunny days and cloudy days, but they’ve all been relatively warm. Today is supposed to be cool (in the 60s), but then it’s supposed to warm back up. Paul pointed out to me that since we’re so far South, the seasons (especially the growing seasons) don’t always match up with the calendar.
What Paul’s Been Up To: Work, Scouts, school, the aforementioned meeting with the flooring guy and oil change…oh, and he ripped out the old tomato plants and planted the new ones. It was quite the undertaking since he changed up how the wire fencing was (and had to pound the metal stakes holding it into the ground) so that it’s possible for us to walk all around the planter, making it easier to get the tomatoes that may grown towards the back. He also moved my desk into our room so that there’s more room in the loft for kid stuff (it’s now officially just a playroom) and put together some new bookcases (also in our room) to replace the one that has been worn out for a while. I’m so grateful for all the hard work he does for us!
What Sarah’s Been Up To: Not much, really. Other than taking the kids to the park, my week was pretty much the same as it usually is. I did move the stuff from the worn out bookcase to the new one and also cleared out/decluttered the tall brown bookcases so they could be used to hold more useful stuff, rather than a lot of picture frames (I took all the pictures out and put them in a photo album) and nick-nacks.
What Joseph’s Been Up To: School and hanging around the house for the most part. He really enjoyed the park play date because a lot of people showed up to say goodbye to our friends. He’s excited to be off this next week for spring break, but I bet by the time the week is up, he’ll be ready to go back to school.
What Abigail’s Been Up To: The main thing is that she has really started to fight being swaddled (and I noticed that she gets really hot when all bundled up). Last night we tried just putting her into a regular sleep sack which leaves her arms free. She seemed to do okay with it, not waking up a whole lot more than normal. It might take a few days of getting used to, though. Also, I switched her out to 3-6 month clothes as opposed to the 0-3 month ones she was in. I noticed they were getting kind of snug on her. She seems even happier than her normal happy self.
This Week in Pictures: