Weekly Happenings: We broke up the blah of the week by meeting up with friends at the zoo. The kids had a ton of fun (my friend has a boy who is a year younger than Joseph and a girl who is a year older than Abigail, so it’s just perfect). Other than that, we kind of just hung around the house, working on projects.
The Weekly Weather: It’s been warm, but still relatively mild. Mostly sunny…I think there was one day where it rained a bit, but it wasn’t much.
What Paul’s Been Up To: He worked from home this week. He also has worked on some of his projects around the house. He made some cabinet doors for some shelves that he has in the office. He also assembled the other window seat bench and built the top for it.
What Sarah’s Been Up To: Mainly just keeping the kids entertained and happy…and trying to get my cleaning schedule back into habit. It kind of went out the window when I had Abigail (understandably), so I would do sporadic cleaning binges that always left me exhausted, because I would inevitably do too much at once. It was like that for a couple of years. I started getting back into it this year, but then our world was turned on its ear with this whole pandemic and subsequent distance learning. The housework took a back burner to making sure Joseph got the learning that he needed. Now that we’re officially on summer vacation, I’m getting back into it where I only do a bit of cleaning every day. I prefer to do it this way because then I don’t tire myself out and I still have plenty of time for playing with and doing fun things with the kids. Also, by doing it on a regular basis, the house is staying cleaner, so it doesn’t take as long to clean things, either.
What Joseph’s Been Up To: He’s been soaking up summer, haha. He was ecstatic to get to meet up with friends and is looking forward to when we get to do it again.
What Abigail’s Been Up To: She’s been keeping me on my toes. She has also been doing really well with continuing to go to bed on her own. She does try to draw it out and make deals with me so that I’ll lay on the floor in her room, but I’ve been able to reason with her (whaaat!!!) and she’s been going to bed resignedly happy.
This Week in Pictures:

Bonus Video: Abigail singing “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star”